NWRM Guide - page 30

combination of measures
considered, in particular the combination
of small scale, decentralized and flexibleNWRM, or of NWRMwith grey
infrastructuremeasures in addressing catchment level challenges.Modelling
may be required topredict theeffectiveness of a combinationofmeasures.
For example, the ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering’ project in England
able tousehydrologicalmodellingof the catchment to identify the impacts
of a combination of NWRM including floodplain storage, woody debris
dams, riparian and floodplainwoodland.
scaleof the system
considered for undertaking assessments of (direct
and indirect) impacts and benefits.
Combining information about both costs and effectiveness will then help you to
rank measures based on
ratios.Traditional Cost-Effectiveness
Analyses (CEA) deal with a single (financial) cost and a singleeffect (contributions
to water status in line with the objectives of the EUWFD, for example). In
contrast,NWRM have a complex cost structure (for example including financial
costs, non-financial costs, foregone benefits, avoided costs, co-benefits, indirect
benefits) andprovidemultiplebenefits (energy savings, reductions inGreenhouse
Gas Emissions,water quantity,water quality, biodiversity, etc.), contributing to the
achievement of several effects and policy objectives at the same time.
There are several options for analysing effectiveness that take into account the
possibility of providingmultiple benefits.
Option 1
- If all policy objectives identified for your catchment or territory
are accounted for simultaneously, you can compare different
combinations of measures by carrying out a Cost-Benefit
Assessment (CBA) that accounts for all (positive and negative)
impacts and ecosystem services delivered.You can alsoperform
a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) that will consider how the
proposedcombinationsofmeasures contribute
to the achievement of the different policy
objectives identified, aswell as towider societal
objectives.UseofCost-EffectivenessAnalysis to
identify the cheapest way to achieve multiple
policy objectives simultaneously is an approach
that can be applied if a single, composite,
effectiveness score or index can be estimated.
The choice of approach (CBA, MCA or CEA)
may be driven by the availability of cost and
benefit data..
More informationon thecosts, benefitsand
cost-effectivenessofNWRM isavailable in
SDn°4 (What are thebenefitsofNWRM?),
SDn°5 (What are thecostsofNWRM?)
andSDn°6 (What is thecost-effectiveness
ofNWRM?) Informationon theeconomic
assessmentmethods thatcanbeapplied for
assessing thecostsand thebenefitsofNWRM is
alsoavailable inSDN°7 (Economicassessment
methods for thecostsandbenefitsofNWRM)
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