Driver role
main driver
The main objective of the interventions is the improvement of riparian natural environments, coupled with protection against floods. More in detail, the interventions were aimed at tackling: (i) almost total disappearance of islands and gravel areas; (ii) dramatic reduction of flooding areas. Another major objective is to raise the groundwater level, which has significantly reduced over time. As a result of the former (i) the river has damaged longitudinal hydraulic works, especially near bridges; (ii) riparian forests are now rarely flooded, and this disturbs ecological dynamics. However, a lower groundwater table allowed the expansion of agricultural areas, and this had to be taken into account when designing and implementing the measures - i.e. bringing back the ground water level back to the original level would not have been a desirable outcome for farmers.
The issue described above are due to (i) hydromorphological interventions on Aurino's effluents, and on 40% of the Aurino stream: this led to the reduction of solid transport; and (ii) intense gravel mining along the lower stream course (in the 70's).