Analysis (CEA)
Analytical tool or appraisal technique that assesses the costs of alternative
ways of producing the same or similar output. It ranks alternativemeasures
on the basis of their costs and effectiveness,where themost cost-effective
measure gets the highest ranking. SinceCEA is suggested for comparative
analyses, costs to be collected should include those that are not site-specific.
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems.These
include: provisioning services such as food,water, timber, and fibre; regulating
services that affect climate, floods, disease,wastes, andwater quality; cultural
services that provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benefits; and
supporting services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, and nutrient
Grey infrastructure
From the perspective of NaturalWater RetentionMeasures (NWRM), grey
infrastructure usually refers to the traditional methods of managingwater,
usingman-made, constructed assets,most oftenwater tight and designed
to avoid any type of ecosystem growing on it.Grey infrastructure includes
measures such as channels, pipes, sewers and sewage treatment works,
ditches, dikes and dams.Grey infrastructure is so-called because it is often
constructed of concrete.Unlike green infrastructure, grey infrastructure
typically does not deliver multiple benefits.Grey infrastructure such as
sewers and sewage treatment works are needed in urban areas but their
effectiveness can be enhanced by green engineeringmeasures which help
to restore the natural water retention capacity of the landscape.However,
somemodern grey infrastructure such as permeable pavements and some
roof water retention systemsmimic the natural water retention capacity
of the landscape and help to restoremore natural patterns of run-off and
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation
Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global
Hydrological modelling
Hydrologicmodels are simplified, conceptual representations of a part
of the hydrologic cycle.They are primarily used for hydrologic prediction
and for understanding hydrologic processes.
LIFE is the EU's financial instrument supporting environmental, nature
conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU.
Multi-CriteriaAnalysis (MCA) or multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
is amethod that explicitly considersmultiple criteria for supporting
decision-making. It make explicit the different (potential) impacts that policy
options or measuresmight have, combining them into a single indicator
using different weights allocated to each criteria or impact.