NWRM Guide - page 34

Combiningmeasures for increasingeffectiveness
InBelford catchment, a range ofmeasureswas implemented including ponds, ditch blocking,
bunding of diffuse flow paths, and specific sediment-capture measures. Using a variety of
measures was seen as more appropriate than a single-measure solution due to variations in
topography and land-use (despite the small size of the catchment).Monitoring andmodelling
showed that the effectiveness of the combination ofmeasureswas higherwhen considering
bothwater retentionandwaterquality impacts.
Incompletebenefit assessment in theBalticSeaprojects
Themajority of NWRM implemented in the Baltic Sea region are focused on the restoration
ofbiodiversityandhabitats. Therefore, theproblemanalysisand thecriteriaused for selecting
measures are commonly targeted at understanding how a change inhydrological conditions
can support wet-loving species and habitats. Consequently, the indicators for evaluating the
success of the measures are biodiversity indictors and not water management indicators.
Broadening the types of impact included in the assessment would give a more complete
assessment andmay allow alternative
and improvedsolutions tobe identified.
Sources: casestudies:
. (casestudy14)
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