NWRM Guide - page 6

Interested in the implementationanddetaileddesignof specificNWRM?
Theremayalreadybeguidanceout there!
Do look for existing practical guidance and knowledge base developed in your own country on specific
NWRM. Such guidance does not focus onNWRM per se, but onmembers of the NWRM family such
asSuDS, soil conservationmeasures, runoffattenuation featuresand river restoration. See forexample:
• General reference: UNEP, UNEP-DHI, Partnership – IUCN, TNC and the WRI. 2014. Green
InfrastructureGuide forWaterManagement: Ecosystem-basedmanagement approaches forwater-
related infrastructureprojects
• Rural SuDs: EnvironmentAgency. 2012.Rural SustainableDrainageSystems (RSuDS)
• Agriculture: Natural England. January 2013 Entry Level Stewardship Environmental Stewardship
Handbook. FourthEdition.
• Focusedon the forest sector:AurélienBansept andJulienFiquepron. 2014. Protégeretvaloriser l’eau
forestière.Guidepratiquenational, réalisédans lecadreduprogramme ‘ EAU+FOR ’ -2014
• Focused onhydromorphology: Stanford, J. A.,Ward, J. V., Liss,W. J., Frissell, C. A.,Williams, R. N.,
Lichatowich, J. A., and Coutant, C. C. 1996. AGeneral Protocol for Restoration of Regulated Rivers.
RegulatedRivers-ResearchandManagement, 12, 391-413
• Focused on river restoration: Onema, 2010, actualisation en 2012. La restauration des cours d'eau :
recueil d'expérience sur l'hydromorphologie
in English and in
• Focused on urbanmeasures: Woods-Ballard, B., Kellagher, R., Martin, P., Jefferies, C., Bray, R and
Shaffer, P2007TheSuDSManual. CIRIA report c697.
Visit theNWRMwebsite tofindotherbasic references.
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