NWRM Guide - page 7

The guide focuses on what needs to be accounted for in any given (catchment/
rural/urban) planning process to ensure that NWRM are duly considered.This
does not:
Repeat thebasicsofwater,soil,landandspatial planninganddevelopment
or other existing sectoral planning.These are well addressed in existing
guidance documents developed at the EU and country levels for different
sectors and (water) management issues.This guide focuses on addressing
specificities and differences that might arise from considering NWRM
in terms of: setting objectives, identifying management issues, assessing
potential impacts/effectiveness or ‘getting organised’ for effective and
successful implementation.
Set compulsory steps
you have to add to existing planning processes. It
a source of inspiration
that can help you give NWRM their due role
adapted to your own context and territory, even if the final answer of
your assessments is: ‘I cannot implement NWRM’. In many cases, your
own experience will bring additional thoughts and will complement the
elements presented in this guide.
for thedesignofNWRM.Still,somerelevant information
that will help with the design of NWRM under site-specific conditions is
provided in the NWRM identity cards presented in the NWRM toolbox
integrated in the guide.
Duplicate the technical content
of the synthesis documents addressing
assessment andpolicy issuesdevelopedunder theEUNWRMPilot Project
(see the list of synthesis documents presented below) .Youwill find these
SynthesisDocuments (SD) under
The synthesisdocumentsdevelopedby theEUNWRMPilotproject
TheEUNWRMPilotProjecthasdeveloped12synthesisdocuments (SD)addressing thefollowing thematicareas:
SDn°0: IntroducingNWRM
SDn° 1: Biophysical impactsandeffectivenessofNWRM
SDn°2:HoweffectiveareNWRM incontributing to theachievementofpolicyobjectives?
SDn°3:Assessmentmethods foreffectivenessofNWRM
SDn°4:What are thebenefitsofNWRM?
SDn°5:What are thecostsofNWRM?
SDn°6:What is thecost-effectivenessofNWRM?
SDn°7: Economicassessmentmethods for thecostsandbenefitsofNWRM
SDn°8: ‘Windowsofopportunities’ forNWRM
SDn°9: Barriersand success factors forNWRM
SDn°10:Policycoordination linked toNWRM–Howdo they integratewithdifferentEuropeanDirectives?
SDn° 11:HowcanNWRMbefinanced?
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...98
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