
Hierarchical spatial patterns and drivers of change in benthic macro invertebrate communities in an intermittent Mediterranean river.

1. The imminent damming of the Odelouca River, an intermittent Mediterranean river situated in the south-west Algarve region of Portugal with valuable stands of riparian vegetation, has called for the compulsory implementation of compensatory measures. 2. In order to assess the primary environmental and human factors that drive change in the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Odelouca, and the spatial scale at which they occur, 30 sites were sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates and extensively surveyed.

Evaluating the Response of Biological Assemblages as Potential Indicators for Restoration Measures in an Intermittent Mediterranean River.

Bioindicators are essential for detecting environmental degradation and for assessing the success of river restoration initiatives. River restoration projects require the identification of environmental and pressure gradients that affect the river system under study and the selection of suitable indicators to assess habitat quality before, during and after restoration. We assessed the response of benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, bird and macrophyte assemblages to environmental and pressure gradients [...]

A simple field method for assessing the ecological quality of riparian habitat in rivers and streams: QBR index.

An index of riparian quality useful for the management of streams and rivers is presented. The purpose of the index is to provide managers with a simple method to evaluate riparian habitat quality. The index is easy to calculate and can be used together with any other index of water quality to assess the ecological status of streams and rivers. It may also be a useful tool for defining ‘high ecological status’ under the EC Water Framework Directive.

River Habitat Survey in Southern Portugal: Results from 2009

A DQA define os elementos hidromorfológicos como um dos sustentáculos dos programas de monitorização e sistemas de classificação do estado/potencial ecológico das massas de água Rios e, consequentemente, dos objectivos ambientais e programas de medidas subsequentes. De acordo com o Anexo V da DQA, são considerados três atributos para estes elementos:

● Regime hidrológico;

● Continuidade do Rio;

● Condições morfológicas.

Recalificacion de galerí­as de ribera en el área de la presa del Odelouca: de la concesion a la intervencion

El Espacio del Sudoeste Europeo se enfrenta a diversos problemas en la gestión de los recursos hídricos, tanto en lo que se refiere a su calidad y al déficit entre la oferta y la demanda en las cuencas hidrográficas, como a los problemas relacionados con la prevención de riesgos y alteraciones climáticas. El proyecto RICOVER tiene por objetivo definir e implementar, a través de intervenciones piloto, estrategias y metodologías conjuntas de protección y conservación de los ríos del SUDOE. Para ello, se tendrán en cuenta, entre otros elementos, las características naturales y la biodiversidad, la preservación de hábitats prioritarios y del Patrimonio de la Red Natura 2000, la importancia de los ríos como corredores ecológicos y su contribución para el ciclo natural del agua y la necesidad de la riqueza fluvial y su valor económico.

Rainfall interception by Sacramento, Urban Forest.

A rainfall interception study was conducted in Oakland, California to determine the partitioning of rainfall and the chemical composition of precipitation, throughfall, and stemflow. Rainfall interception measurements were conducted on a gingko (Ginkgo biloba) (13.5 m tall deciduous tree), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (8.8 m tall deciduous), and lemon tree (Citrus limon) (2.9 m tall broadleaf evergreen). The lemon, ginkgo, and sweet gum intercepted 27.0%, 25.2% and 14.3% of gross precipitation, respectively

Interventi estesi di riqualificazione fluviale lungo gli affluenti del medio corso del Fiume Dese

The Veneto Region, through the †œPlan for diffuse pollution prevention and restoration of water in the draining basins of the Venice Lagoon† financed measures of re-calibration of riverbeds aimed at the renaturation of the hydraulic web, to increase the time of permanence of water and phytodepuration processes in the draining basin.
In this framework, the Consorzio Acque Risorgive implemented a series of extended interventions on the area under its responsibility.
This case study was implemented as part of these interventions.
In particular, it aimed at re-structuring the effluents of the mid course of the Dese river (Rio S. Martino, Rio S. Ambrogio and Scolo Desolino). Such effluents are mostly draining channels, draining water from agricultural fields to the Dese river. The primary objective was the reduction of the amount of N and P reaching the Venice lagoon through phytodepuration. However, at the same time the project carried out the restoration of the draining channel web aimed at reducing flooding issues affecting the area.
The following measures were implemented:
†¢ Riparian buffer zones
†¢ Creation of wetlands
†¢ River bed enlargement
†¢ Creation and reconnection of floodplain and new buffer strips
†¢ Channel naturalization, creation of new meandering channel

Phone interview Italy

Phone interview: Paolo Cornelio is the person in charge of implementing NWRMs in the Consorzio's area of intervention

Etude de l'impact socio-économique de la conservation et restauration de la nature dans les Hautes Fagnes

Le projet LIFE « Restauration des landes et des tourbières du Plateau des Hautes Fagnes » (LIFE 06 NAT/B/000091) a pour objectif la restauration d’au moins 1400 hectares de landes et de tourbières sur six sites Natura2000 (9723 ha)délimités sur le Plateau des Hautes Fagnes (Région wallonne, Belgique). Initialement prévu pour une durée de 5 ans (2007 à 2011), une demande de prolongation a été introduite et acceptée par l’Europe dans le courant de l’année 2011, conduisant le projet jusqu’au 31 décembre 2012.

NWRMs experience from Austria

characterization of Austria's landcover, population density, topography and the traditional flood protection
National laws and technical rules for near-natural flood protection, principles of passive flood protection, critical lessons learned

LIFE Projekt Auenverbund Obere Drau

Detailed project description of the former LIFE project on the river Drau. We needed basic information on the region e.g. rainfall, temperature, runoff

Piano di Gestione Basso Aurino †“ Relazione sintetica degli interventi realizzati in localití  Rienzfield, Gatzaue e Molini di Tures (2002-2011)

River restoration measures were implemented along the Aurino stream as part of the Aurino management plan. Interventions were grouped in Work Packages and were implemented in different moments within the years 2003-2011. The objectives were flood protection and, secondarily, the improvement of the natural environment. Different interventions were implemented to widen the river bed, such as for example: (i) forests were cleared in the relevant areas, to add space to the river bed; (ii) (artificial) river banks were lowered and enlarged; (iii) re-activation or creation of lateral river branches; (iv) measures to raise the river bed†™s level.

Phone interview

Interview with Andrea Goltara, member of CIRF and part of the RESTORE project

Phone interview

Interview with Caterina Ghiraldo (Autonomous Province of Bozen) in charge of managing the implementation of measures


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