
Linking floodplain hydraulics and sedimentation patterns along arestored river channel: River Odense, Denmark

The links between floodplain hydraulics and deposition of sediment,organic matter and phosphorus were investigated along a 6 km re-meandered channel section of RiverOdense, Denmark. A 2D dynamic river and floodplain model was set up for the investigated floodplainarea. The flow model was validated against in situ measurements of flow velocities and depths duringa one-day field campaign in January 2012. The predicted duration of inundations, distances to inflow, flow velocities, and informationon microtopography were compared with sedimentation patterns on the floodplain. Three distinct flowregimes were predicted by the hydraulic model and were classified as small, medium and large inundation events according to spatial extent and inundation depth. The model predicts spatially and temporally changing zones of confluence on the floodplain due to variations in inundation depth.

Vandtillbageholdelse i vådområder: Odense Å case område

Water detention through temporary flooding of wetlands can play a significant role in cutting of flow peaks, and thereby decreasing water levels and floodrisk in downstream towns and villages during incidents of extreme precipitation.

Odense Å ved Brobyværk

De fleste af vores vandløb er i større eller mindre grad reguleret af menneskets hånd. Denne strækning af Odense Å og Tørring Bæk blev i årene 1944-1950 udrettet og forkortet med 2200 m på en 11,2 km lang strækning. I den forbindelse fik åen et bredt, trapezformet forløb, der lå op til 1,2 m dybere end det tidligere forløb. Udløbet fra Tørring Bæk til Odense Å blev samtidigt flyttet. Arealerne op til åen var desuden drænede for at sikre landbrugsdriften.

Hydrology Report Oroklini Marsh, Cyprus

The hydrology of Oroklini Marsh consisting of three shallow brackish lakes that only hold water during the rainy months and three large saline canals to the south of the site is described

Preparation of a Management Plan for the Oroklini Lake (in Greek)

The ecological, socioeconomic, human activities, land use, biotic and abiotic characteristics, flora and fauna and dangers are assessed. A Management Plan of the area †œOroklini Lake† under the NATURA (CY 6000011) and a monitoring plan is developed.

Proposal for the Development of the Oroklini Lake (in Greek)

Major threatening hazards of ecosystem are identified. A management plan for the protection and sustainable development of the lake together with a monitoring plan for the natural environment and of the effectiveness of the management plan is proposed.

Ecosystem Restoration Case Study Template

In Matsalu National Park there is a former coastal meadow site (Naturea 2000 and Ramsar site) next to a big Salmi coastal meadow with many priority species. On the site the old non-functioning small ditches were closed and scraped to restore the wetland hydrology and breeding and feeding grounds for waders and amphibians.
Before the restoration works the area was used mainly for bovine grazing and the restoration did not change the conditions for that. However, due to the activities drinking water will be better available for the cattle.

Small scale measures under the "Waters neighborhood Days" in Hamburg - Factsheet

The core of the activities carried out on Osterbek river was the installation of flow control arms at mean water level.
Due to the width of the bundle of sticks of 2 to 2.5 m, they should contribute to a significant narrowing of the broad streambed. They were attached to three pegs that were fixed at the ground. In order to avoid under- or backflushing, the brushwood were strengthened with stones, coarse and fine gravel. A total of 14 flow control arms were installed at equal distances approximately transverse to the direction of flow on the left and right bank . In a wide section an island of gravel and coarse of about 15 m was applied.
Also in the Middle Bille flow control arms were installed consisting of dead wood, stones and gravel. The brushwood was shortened to a length of about 1 m and transversely and with a slight tilt attached to two pegs in the sole. The height of the installment was also based on mean water level

Kleinteilige Maßnahmen im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ in Hamburg Urbane Gewässer, Sohlstruktur, Kooperation

Auch in den dicht besiedelten Bereichen einer Großstadt ist eine wirksame und kostengünstige Umsetzung der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie möglich. An jeweils einem Gewässerabschnitt am Osterbek und der Mittleren Bille in Hamburg werden im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ die Gewässerbett- und Uferstruktur verbessert, um den Lebensraum für standorttypische Tier- und Pflanzengesellschaften aufzuwerten und eine größere Strukturvielfalt zu erreichen

Ecological restoration in Czech Republic

Reestablish the stream channel natural conditions; correct hydrological and hydrogeological parameters regarding a better soil retention, lower channel discharge, higher groundwater level; and restore the biodiviersity of fauna and flora


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