
NWRMs experience from Austria

characterization of Austria's landcover, population density, topography and the traditional flood protection
National laws and technical rules for near-natural flood protection, principles of passive flood protection, critical lessons learned

LIFE Projekt Auenverbund Obere Drau

Detailed project description of the former LIFE project on the river Drau. We needed basic information on the region e.g. rainfall, temperature, runoff

Piano di Gestione Basso Aurino †“ Relazione sintetica degli interventi realizzati in localití  Rienzfield, Gatzaue e Molini di Tures (2002-2011)

River restoration measures were implemented along the Aurino stream as part of the Aurino management plan. Interventions were grouped in Work Packages and were implemented in different moments within the years 2003-2011. The objectives were flood protection and, secondarily, the improvement of the natural environment. Different interventions were implemented to widen the river bed, such as for example: (i) forests were cleared in the relevant areas, to add space to the river bed; (ii) (artificial) river banks were lowered and enlarged; (iii) re-activation or creation of lateral river branches; (iv) measures to raise the river bed†™s level.

Phone interview

Interview with Andrea Goltara, member of CIRF and part of the RESTORE project

Phone interview

Interview with Caterina Ghiraldo (Autonomous Province of Bozen) in charge of managing the implementation of measures

Linking floodplain hydraulics and sedimentation patterns along arestored river channel: River Odense, Denmark

The links between floodplain hydraulics and deposition of sediment,organic matter and phosphorus were investigated along a 6 km re-meandered channel section of RiverOdense, Denmark. A 2D dynamic river and floodplain model was set up for the investigated floodplainarea. The flow model was validated against in situ measurements of flow velocities and depths duringa one-day field campaign in January 2012. The predicted duration of inundations, distances to inflow, flow velocities, and informationon microtopography were compared with sedimentation patterns on the floodplain. Three distinct flowregimes were predicted by the hydraulic model and were classified as small, medium and large inundation events according to spatial extent and inundation depth. The model predicts spatially and temporally changing zones of confluence on the floodplain due to variations in inundation depth.

Vandtillbageholdelse i vådområder: Odense Å case område

Water detention through temporary flooding of wetlands can play a significant role in cutting of flow peaks, and thereby decreasing water levels and floodrisk in downstream towns and villages during incidents of extreme precipitation.

Odense Å ved Brobyværk

De fleste af vores vandløb er i større eller mindre grad reguleret af menneskets hånd. Denne strækning af Odense Å og Tørring Bæk blev i årene 1944-1950 udrettet og forkortet med 2200 m på en 11,2 km lang strækning. I den forbindelse fik åen et bredt, trapezformet forløb, der lå op til 1,2 m dybere end det tidligere forløb. Udløbet fra Tørring Bæk til Odense Å blev samtidigt flyttet. Arealerne op til åen var desuden drænede for at sikre landbrugsdriften.


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