These measures have been implemented in three different social housing contexts in West London, within areas characterised by high levels of multiple deprivation including higher exposure to climate-related risks. Ultimately, the project aimed to demonstrate an integrated approach to addressing climate-related and wider socio-economic challenges in vulnerable urban environments.
The three estates, owned by the Local Authority, were chosen as demonstration sites because they reflect different social housing contexts (such as property types and estate sizes) that can be found across EU member states, demonstrate vulnerability to increasingly extreme weather conditions, and have high indices of multiple deprivation. In this way, the project was able to demonstrate how green infrastructure adaptation measures can be implemented in a wide range of urban housing settings.
Site information
Monitoring maintenance
• Performance of measures during rain events (e.g. infiltration rates) and the development of vegetation captured using fixed-point time lapse cameras at key locations near to the interventions, which took a photo every 15 minutes during the monitoring period (day and night)
• Environmental conditions, including the timings and size of rain events, temperature, wind direction and speed, and humidity, monitored using weather stations; this enabled a comparative analyses to be made with the fixed-point photo monitoring and other monitoring data
• Aspects such as rain water inputs and infiltration times monitored using flowmeters at inlets (e.g. downpipes from roofs) and pressure sensors in basins, in order to understand the impact of selected rainfall events on surface water run-off, and in turn calculate the amounts of water diverted from reaching the sewer network
• Thermal monitoring using a thermal imaging camera to understand the impact on the urban heat island effect, with a focus on key aspects such as green roofs on particularly hot/cold days and comparisons made with untreated surrounding areas
• Biodiversity monitoring on the green roofs, using vegetation surveys to understand the floral species diversity (inventories to record every floral species and quadrats to monitor experimental plots on Richard Knight House); % vegetation cover was also monitored through this process
• Photographic monitoring during site visits to create an archive of the development of biodiversity and to monitor elements as they develop and mature; residents were also encouraged to participate in this through a photography competition
• Simulated storm events to assess how selected interventions would perform in a 1 in 100 year storm event (as they were designed for), by pumping water into the intervention and monitoring data readings from the relevant monitoring equipment such as pressure sensors, as well as undertaking photographic documentation and visual assessment.
This measured the benefit of the climate adaptation interventions to local communities beyond their immediate role of improving resilience to climate change - such as community cohesion, understanding of climate change, and awareness of its impacts.
• Performance of measures during rain events (e.g. infiltration rates) and the development of vegetation captured using fixed-point time lapse cameras at key locations near to the interventions, which took a photo every 15 minutes during the monitoring period (day and night)
• Environmental conditions, including the timings and size of rain events, temperature, wind direction and speed, and humidity, monitored using weather stations; this enabled a comparative analyses to be made with the fixed-point photo monitoring and other monitoring data
• Aspects such as rain water inputs and infiltration times monitored using flowmeters at inlets (e.g. downpipes from roofs) and pressure sensors in basins, in order to understand the impact of selected rainfall events on surface water run-off, and in turn calculate the amounts of water diverted from reaching the sewer network
• Thermal monitoring using a thermal imaging camera to understand the impact on the urban heat island effect, with a focus on key aspects such as green roofs on particularly hot/cold days and comparisons made with untreated surrounding areas
• Biodiversity monitoring on the green roofs, using vegetation surveys to understand the floral species diversity (inventories to record every floral species and quadrats to monitor experimental plots on Richard Knight House); % vegetation cover was also monitored through this process
• Photographic monitoring during site visits to create an archive of the development of biodiversity and to monitor elements as they develop and mature; residents were also encouraged to participate in this through a photography competition
• Simulated storm events to assess how selected interventions would perform in a 1 in 100 year storm event (as they were designed for), by pumping water into the intervention and monitoring data readings from the relevant monitoring equipment such as pressure sensors, as well as undertaking photographic documentation and visual assessment.
Design & implementations
Arrangement type | Responsibility | Role | Comments | Name |
Activity stage | Key issues | Name | Comments |
Land use change type |
Authority type | Role | Responsibility | Name | Comments |
Lessons, risks, implications...
• Such projects work better when not delivered in isolation: climate adaptation is multi-faceted and requires cross-disciplinary working – from consultation to co-design, from community engagement activities to training and employment opportunities
• Communities, in particular residents, are expert users of spaces and have valuable knowledge of their local environment: their involvement from the start of the project has been essential to secure their input and support
• A comprehensive approach to monitoring and evaluation can help make the business case for such schemes: as exemplified by this project, this should not only include technical monitoring of the environmental benefits, but also additional evaluation to capture the wider social and economic benefits of the project.
Success factor type | Success factor role | Comments |
Financing possibilities
main factor
Successful coordination between authorities
main factor
Such projects work better when not delivered in isolation: climate adaptation is multi-faceted and requires cross-disciplinary working – from consultation to co-design, from community engagement activities to training and employment opportunities. This project benefited from Groundwork London working closely with the local authority, with a range of teams involved from each organisation and other external stakeholders involved in different aspects of the project - from design, to implementation and evaluation. |
Public participation
main factor
Communities, in particular residents, are expert users of spaces and have valuable knowledge of their local environment: their involvement from the start of the project has been essential to secure their input and support. |
Conducted assessments (incl. economic)
main factor
A comprehensive approach to monitoring and evaluation can help make the business case for such schemes: as exemplified by this project, this should not only include technical monitoring of the environmental benefits, but also additional evaluation to capture the wider social and economic benefits of the project |
Financing type | Comments |
EU-funds: LIFE+
The project was co-funded by the European LIFE+ programme.
Local funds
The project was match funded using local funds including Hammersmith & Fulham Council and the Greater London Authority
Driver type | Driver role | Comments |
Past flooding events
main driver
The three estates had all previously suffered from surface water flooding, water pooling on estate roads and paths, and located close to Category 1 CSO (meaning that it operates frequently and has adverse environmental impacts).
Organisation committed to it
secondary driver
H&F Council is keen to be recognised as a lead authority in advancing effective approaches to climate adaptation at a neighbourhood and Borough wide scale. The local authority, who owns the three estates used as demonstration sites in this project, is now using the lessons learned from the project to explore the feasibility of rolling out green infrastructure based climate adaptation initiatives in other housing estates across the borough.
Financing share type | Share | Comments | |
Policy, general governance and design targets
-Develop a transferable methodology for designing affordable, light-engineering climate change adaptation measures for social housing landscapes using green and blue infrastructure.
-Design and implement comprehensive packages of retrofitting measures in three different types of social housing landscapes.
-Implement the main measures through employment programmes for long-term unemployed beneficiaries creating local jobs.
-Develop a set of training modules for housing and grounds maintenance professionals on the whole cycle of adaptation and green infrastructure relevant procurement systems, design, retrofit and maintenance.
-Develop a transferable methodology for resident stakeholder engagement, resulting in site-specific community adaptation action plans and practical involvement in retrofitting and maintenance activities.
-Design an evaluation methodology capturing technical performance and social return on investment.
-Develop interactive e-learning materials including a film to inform local, national and EU policy, strategy and best practice.
Target purpose |
Runoff control
Pressure directive | Relevant pressure |
Policy area type | Policy area focus | Name | Comments |
Climate change adaptation policy
Green Infrastructure Strategy
A key relevant policy document is the European Commission’s Green Infrastructure Strategy, which recognises the important role these measures play in a number of areas, including the provision of ecosystem services, the protection and enhancement of natural capital, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management, as well as offering health and social benefits too.
Impact directive | Relevant impact |
Wider plan type | Wider plan focus | Name | Comments |
Climate adaptation
At the national level, the project has contributed to the development of the UK’s approach towards Sustainable Drainage Systems, inputting to a Defra/CLG consultation in 2014. The project has also contributed to SuDS guidance produced by national bodies including CIRIA.
Climate adaptation
At the regional level, the project is highly relevant for the London Sustainable Drainage Action Plan, which aims to ensure that London can manage its rainwater sustainably to reduce flood risk and improve water security, and is referred to in the Plan. The project has also contributed to London wide guidance documents, including Transport for London's SuDS Design Guide.
Climate adaptation
The project has also helped to strengthen local planning policies associated with SuDS and climate change proofing of future developments within Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s new Local Plan, and is also feeding into the new Ecology / Biodiversity Policy that the local authority is proposing.
Requirement directive | Specification |
Floods Directive-mitigating Flood Risk
• 90% of residents reported an increased understanding of climate change
• 81% of residents said they agree or strongly agree that the quality of the green spaces has improved significantly
• 58% of residents reported their use of the green spaces had increased
• 48% of residents reported an increased sense of belonging
• 67% of residents reported increased pride in the area they live in
• 22 Green Team trainees involved (a training and employment programme for those who are young, unemployed and lacking experience and qualifications)
• 11 job outcomes for Green Team trainees
Biophysical impacts
• 3,158m2 of impermeable surface diverted from draining directly to the sewer
• 100% of rainfall has been diverted away from the storm drain system by the ground level SuDS
• 89% (on average) of the rainfall landing on the green roofs has been absorbed
• 1,286,815 litres annual rainfall retention and diversion away from the storm drain system by the interventions
• Vegetation cover: 782m2 increase in soft landscape
• Biodiversity: residential green roof at Richard Knight House: A net increase of 64 species compared to standard flat roof.
• Temperature: max 35.73% reduction in temperature on a green roof compared to surrounding grey infrastructure
• Green roofs: 432m2 area
• Food growing: 24m2 capacity

Retrofitting open spaces in social housing environments is both necessary and cost-effective: affordable and socially acceptable light-engineering climate adaptation measures implemented through the project help to demonstrate the role these spaces can play in increasing urban resilience to climate change