
The NWRM project is gathering a large set of data and information and provides all this in a structured format on this website. It was not primarily focussed on Inspire Directive but the platform was developed to gather relevant NWRM knowledge and structure it and give access to it as much as possible, and in an easy to use and accessible way, which is largely what is required under Inspire Directive.

Stricto sensu the Inspire Directive solely adresses spatial datasets and the only NWRM spatial data is the localisation of the case studies. You will find hereunder the associated services implemented for this.

But the Directive requires to implement the following five services: discovery, view, download, transform and invoke.

While the NWRM platform is not about spatial objects and therefore not providing them in the exact required format, giving access to knowledge in principle entails similar requirements to allow easy use and reuse by end-users. In the following we present the relevant elements which can be found on the platform for these five services

* Discovery services: the organisation in catalogue of NWRM, catalogue of case studies, catalogue of sources and glossary, and the different schemes and maps allow access by a wide set of different entry points,

* View services: the individual fiches, the maps, the definitions are all visible with specific templates,

* Download services: a large set of the gathered knowledge can be downloaded, printed, reused and are provided in user friendly format (.pdf, .doc, .xls...),

* Transformation services: this is more relevant for geographical data with different projections and therefore not implemented here,

* Invoke services: the WFS and WMS webservices can be invoked to allow visualisation of case studies on other platforms.

Download datasets

On this page we have gathered the main elements which can be found and downloaded on the platform and in particular some datasets and files, to ease their access.

1-NWRM: the full set of information on NWRM would not be relevant alone, but having all NWRMs in a printable document can be very practical.

2-Case study: the full database is complex and giving access to it as a whole would not provide a relevant added value to users. However, to select case studies, it can be useful to have the full case studies list and the country in which it was implemented.

3-Documentation: this set of element is wide: documents and ressources used to describe the 53 NWRM, documents and ressources used to describe the case studies, documents developed during the project

4-Glossary: The glossary is framing the NWRM concepts and was developed using a classical ontology approach which allows interlink between concepts as can be seen on the graph. The full list of terms can be downloaded in MS Word format.

In this section you can access to the data used, the information produced or gathered and the webservices available on the platform in the different webpages, and use or download them.


type of document & format



NWRM list (pdf)

NWRM short factsheet (pdf)

List of NWRMs

Translated versions: DE, EN, ESFR, IT, PL

Case studies

List (xls)


List of case studies

argumentation on NWRM (ppt)

Key aspects of NWRM in synthesis documents

NWRM guide (pdf)

NWRM leaflet (pdf)

NWRM and case studies sources documents

NWRM project documents

Why designing and implementing NWRMs?

Biophysical impacts: SD1, SD2, SD3

Socio-economic aspects: SD4, SD5, SD6, SD7

Governance, implementyation & financing: SD8, SD9, SD10, SD11

Translated versions:  BG, CZ, DE, EL, EN, ESFR, HR, HU, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK

Translated versions: BGCZ, DE, EEEL, EN, ESFIFR, HR, HUITLT, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SKSL, SV


NWRM documents

Glossary List of terms and definition (doc) Glossary


How to make references to this website?

All the pages of this website are fixed and URL do not change. They can be accessed directly, and then referenced on other websites. Please make sure to mention the source as detailed in the legal notice, and report back any question using the contact form.