- General(active tab)
- Site information
- Design & implementations
- Lessons, risks, implications...
- Policy, general governance and design targets
- Socio-economic
- Biophysical impacts
National Id
Site name
Sur Fen National Reserve
Reconstruction of dams and sluice gates, blocking of drainage ditches and creation of a hydrological network to allow water coming from the Little Carpathians to flow through the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, in Slovakia. Funded by LIFE+ program
Light or indepth?
Bratislavský kraj
RBD code
Data provider
NWRM(s) implemented in the case study
Site information
Climate zone
warm temperate moist
Mean rainfall
Mean rainfall unit
Average temperature
Average runoff coefficient
Case Study Info
Vegetation class
Natural alder swamp forest and Thermophile oak Panonian Grove
Design & implementations
Application scale
Field Scale
Installation date
Area (ha)
Area subject to Land use change or Management/Practice change (ha)
Antrophogenic impacts: Drainage of streams out of Sur, illegal dumps, massive urbanization, weak management (results of botanic and zoology research never applied in strategy documents), weak enforcement of legislation, no compensation of landowners, no transparent financing of restoration activities and absence of public awareness campaigns.
Favourable preconditions
The locality is designated a national nature reserve
Public consultation
Design contractual arrangement
Arrangement type | Responsibility | Role | Comments | Name |
Design consultation activity
Activity stage | Key issues | Name | Comments |
APOP has published postcards, leaflets, stickers and posters arround the municipal information centers
Education trail
The main purpose is to show the treasure of the Sur
Design land use change
Land use change type |
Design authority
Authority type | Role | Responsibility | Name | Comments |
APOP Association of Indutry and Nature Conservation
Local water authority
Municipality of Svaty Jur
Slovak Water Managemtn enterprise SVP-OZ
Slovak Land Fund SPF
State nature Conservancy of the Slovak republic SOP SR
Lessons, risks, implications...
Key lessons
Land use planning should be a significant component in the implementation plan; Consequences of water management decisions in other economic sectors should be an integral part of the analyses made during the planning process; Stakeholders need to get to know each other to understand and interpret concepts
Success factor(s)
Success factor type | Success factor role | Comments |
Successful coordination between authorities
The proposed zoning of the Sur Fen National Nature Reserve and identification of conservation measures in each protected zone and buffer zones provides a solid basis for transparent determination of competencies of public institutions and private landowners as well. |
main factor
Financing type | Comments |
EU-funds: LIFE+
Local funds
Private funds
Barrier type | Barrier role | Comments |
Expected maintenance needs
main barrier
Lack of maintenance
secondary barrier
4 000 new houses will be built in the direct vicinity of the site. It is planned that by 2010, the 1 700 inhabitants of the southern part of the reserve will increase to as many as 20 000 inhabitants. Consequently substantial effects on the immediately adjacent Nature 2000 site may be expected.
Lacking financing sources
secondary barrier
Despite the fact that the locality is designated a national nature reserve, the protection and management is not adequate due to low public awareness and insufficient financial and technical maintenance.
Driver type | Driver role | Comments |
Organisation committed to it
main driver
Financing share
Financing share type | Share | Comments | |
European funds
Policy, general governance and design targets
Policy description
Lack of water, dry-up forest, threat and extinction of protected species and loss of function of wetland (flood protection,retain water in the landscape)
Policy target
Target purpose |
Improved Biodiversity
Increase Water Storage
Peak-flow reduction
Policy pressure
Pressure directive | Relevant pressure |
Policy area
Policy area type | Policy area focus | Name | Comments |
Policy impact
Impact directive | Relevant impact |
Policy wider plan
Wider plan type | Wider plan focus | Name | Comments |
Policy requirement directive
Requirement directive | Specification |
Direct benefits information
Threats regarding the inappropriate use of non-forest land in the Nature 2000 site and the lack of awareness of the public were mitigated.
Costs total
Ecosystem impact climate regulation
Not relevant for the specific application
Biophysical impacts
Water quality overall improvements
Not relevant for this application
Soil quality overall soil improvements
Not relevant for this application