Life Nature
Life Nature Project for "the conservation of the most remarkable habitats and species of Marais Poitevin" for the period 2004-2008.
In the framework of this project, one action on common floodmeadows has been developed (partnership between the PIMP, LPO, WWF and 16 municipalities). The objective of this action was to maintain and develop floodmeadows in order to ensure the hydrological equilibrium of Marais Poitevin, to improve its role of water purification and to preserve biodiversity and landscapes.
Partners supported municipalities (technical and financial supports) for:
- Carrying out management plans in order to plan future development and maintenance projects.
- Ecological maintenance of floodmeadows in order to improve their ability to welcome remarkable species.
- Ecological inventories and scientific monitoring in order to assess the relevance of projects and their benefits for the society.
- Awareness actions for inhabitants and users about floodmeadows, their management and their richness.