The measures implemented at two river within the city of Hamburg (Germany) included the restoration of rivers and ponds (N1), the revitalization of flowing waters (N5), natural bank stabilization (N10), and channels and rills (U5). They targeted the National Biodiversity Strategy of Germany as well as the achievement of a good ecological status as defined by the WFD. For the identification of locations for possible measures the general public...
The Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic carried out the retoration of Cerny Potok stream which was based on common principles of stream restoration. The main aim of the restoration was to decrease the volume of the restored stream-beds especially by reducing their depth. Modifications within the channelized stream-bed were not sufficient, therefore new stream-beds were proposed and constructed. They were reconnected with the...
Kamanos Strict Nature Reserve is the largest raised bog (2,434ha) in the northern Lithuania region (a farming region) with ridge-pool complexes, numerous small lakes (over 120 pools each less than 2ha in area) and surrounding wet forests. In 65 ha of selected bogs and meadows restored with18.5km of ditches dammed Kamanos Strict Nature Reserve. The measures were implemented in the frame of larger UNDP-GEF project in 2004-2010.
The WETLIFE project aimed at reversal of negative changes in Amalva and Žuvintas mires. Restoration of hydrological conditions necessary for regeneration of mire habitats was the main key to reaching the aim. Additionally, the project had a goal to facilitate a shift in agricultural practices on peatlands in order to improve conditions for biodiversity and reduce rate of peat mineralization with all related environmental consequences. Finally...