In 1992, a field margin programme has been started by the city of Heilbronn, Germany. Farmers involvement plays an important role within the programme, which includes a compensation scheme for production losses. The establishment of the field margins aim mainly at controling erosion and run-off as well as at promoting biodiversity. Infiltration of rainwater into the soil is about 20% higher in the field margins than in the fields.
The main goal of the implemented NWRM was to restore natural hydrological regime in drained raised bog Aklais located in nature reserve area being also the Natura 2000 site in Latvia. Building of the dam was chosen as most appropriate method. Due to natural conditions, there was no possibility to use technique thus dams were built by hand. Unfortunately the part of the dams is partly washed out by waters now and in a result raised bog is not...
Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain).
As showed by data obtained after 8 effective recharge cycles carried out in an experimental area (Cubeta de San Tiuste) at Los Arenales Aquifer (Segovia, Duero River Basin, Spain), Managed Aquifer Recharge can be more than an effective measure for storing large quantities of water in underground aquifers to naturally increase the quantity of groundwater in times of shortage: it...
The BIOMURA project was particularly focused on conservation of four habitat types, listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. It consists in the connection of the main channel of the Mura River in the east of Slovenia with side channels, provision of conditions for the adequate water level at the intake of water into side branches (intake at average and low flows), local widening of the channel and sustainable maintenance of alluvial...