The Exmoor Mire Restoration Project (EMRP) 2006-2010 aimed to restore the natural
hydrology of degraded blanket bogs on Exmoor by blocking up the network of old drainage
ditches. This project will shortly finish and funding has been secured from South West
Water for a new and larger †˜Mires on the Moors†™ project which could potentially rewet up to
2,500 hectares of peatland on Exmoor. The EMRP Steering Group commissioned the
Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) to undertake an external and
independent review of peatland restoration work on Exmoor to help guide future activity.
The two main aims of the review were:
i) to conduct a review of peatland restoration on Exmoor to date; and
ii) to give guidance to the Steering Group on how best to proceed with peatland restoration,
while furthering National Park purposes, and having regard to the economic and social well
being of the local community.
Jane Mills, Chris Short, Julie Ingram, Bekki Griffiths and Janet Dwyer Countryside and Community Research Institute
Lindsey McEwen and Frank Chambers, University of Gloucestershire
and Graeme Kirkham, Cornwall Council
Source type
Project Report