Working on NWRM requires understanding of a broad range of key concepts. This page gathers definitions for a set of key concepts used when addressing NWRM. It sets a shared ontology, with interlinkages between concepts.
There is some evidence that planting trees on some Mediterranean hillslopes can assist in cloud formation and precipitation. The forests assist in "trapping" rising air and condensing atmospheric water vapour. This work has been pursued by Milan Milan, amongst others.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission
Temporary streams are of particular importance when it comes to water storage and time retention especially in flash flood prone areas. Some measures can be directly implemented in order to ensure their proper functioning.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission
Traditional terraces consist of nearly level platforms built along contour lines of slopes, mostly sustained by stone walls, used for farming on hilly terrain.ᅠ When properly built and well maintained, terraces can reduce erosion and surface run-off by slowing rainwater to a non-erosive velocity.ᅠ So-called traditional terracing involves less disturbance of the terrain than modern terracing, as it does not involve significant levelling or cutt
Efforts (either monetary outlays or consumption of any other resources, such as time) of administering, monitoring, and enforcing a NWRM. Policy-making involves political costs that are absent in private exchanges.
Urban planning that incorporates trees can have multiple benefits. Trees in urban areas have multiple benefits including increased infiltration and other benefits including shade and amenity value.
- Elaborated by NWRM project experts, validated by th European Commission