NWRM Guide - page 49

In Germany, a 'Recommendation on a Coordinated Application of the EU Flood Risk
ManagementDirectiveand theEUWaterFrameworkDirective'hasbeendeveloped to identify
interaliapotential synergies in theprogramsofmeasures. In thiscontextanassessmentmatrix
for analysing interactions between measures under the FRMD
and theWFD has been set up. Within this approach the relevance
andmutual effects ofWFD and FDmeasures with regard toWFD
management objectives and flood risk management objectives is
systematically evaluated. It is planned to extend this approachwith
regard to thepotential contributionofMSFDmeasures.
specific discussion/steering arenas
(working groups, consultative committees,
workshops) for representatives of the different policies and stakeholders
of water and land management. This can help to establish or reinforce
integration between different planning processes and policies, including
discussions of the pros and cons of possible actions (including NWRM)
thatmight deliver awide range of benefits.
Streamlining information, communication and awareness
raising activities
so they promote an integrated view of the different facets of land and
water management at the catchment scale, and thus contribute to the
understanding of when and how to choose NWRM because of their
potential multiple benefits.
Selecting,designingand implementingNWRM:pre-conditionsforensuringeffectiveness
TheRecommendation incl. the
matrix (Annex I) isavailableon
the following site:
Restoring theRiverQuaggy inLondon,UK:
anexampleofaqualitative stakeholderandexpertprocess
As urbandevelopment has increased in theQuaggy river valley andnatural floodplain, near
Lewisham incentralLondon,fluvialfloodingexperiencedby local residentsandbusinesseshas
also increased. In 1968 the centre of Lewishamflooded to a depth in excess of 1m, andmore
recentfloodeventshaveoccurred.Afloodalleviation schemewas required toprevent further
loss to the remaining floodplainwithin the catchment. It involved various stakeholders: the
Environment Agency, QuaggyWaterwaysActionGroup, local residents, LondonBorough of
Greenwich, LondonBoroughof Sutton. Communication and apositive attitude, early andon-
happened tobekeyelements for this typeof project toachieve. Theprocess
included active residents/stakeholders engagement and involvement during the design and
construction stages, includingpartnerships, schoolsandgroupsetc. Following implementation
not only ensured understanding of the work but also a feeling of
and responsibility
that has been continuing for the length
of the NWRM lifespan. A full-time public liaison officer was employed
during the planning and implementation phases. A
team of engineers, landscape architects and ecologists worked on the
design to ensure that opportunities formajor visual, social and ecological
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