Working on NWRM requires understanding of a broad range of key concepts. This page gathers definitions for a set of key concepts used when addressing NWRM. It sets a shared ontology, with interlinkages between concepts.

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Engineered ponds in peatlands that have been ditched to enhance forest production have the potential to retain water in the landscape and trap sediment without adversely affecting tree growth. Such measures have the potential to limit hydrograph peaks and potentially reduce flooding associated with snowmelt.
- Elaborated by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Phosphates from agriculture are an important contributor to phosphorus loading on water bodies. Phosphorus is considered to be a limiting factor in the process of eutrophication that can generally be regarded as the enrichment of surface waters by nutrients which causes overgrowth of algae and weeds. The result is deoxygenation of waters that can kill fish and other aquatic life. Algae growth can also be a hazard to human health.