Working on NWRM requires understanding of a broad range of key concepts. This page gathers definitions for a set of key concepts used when addressing NWRM. It sets a shared ontology, with interlinkages between concepts.

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A (4) | B (4) | C (3) | E (6) | F (4) | G (3) | H (2) | I (2) | L (6) | M (5) | N (4) | O (2) | P (2) | R (14) | S (8) | T (5) | U (2) | W (4)

Sediment capture ponds are widely used to "slow down" water being drained from boreal forests. The main function of the sediment capture ponds is to remove prevent pollution of receiving waters downstream of a forest by removing suspended sediment and associated pollutants.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Excavations, typically filled with gravel, designed to store water and allow it to infiltrate into underlying soils or aquifers.ᅠ Soakaways would typically receive point-source inflow (e.g. from roof drainage).ᅠᅠ
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

The management of land to minimise soil erosion to maintain soil and water resources, and provide sustainable benefits in the long term.

Those expenditures that, once committed, cannot be (easily) recovered. These costs arise because some activities require specialized assets that cannot be readily diverted to other uses.

"Supplementary" measures are those measures designed and implemented in addition to the basic measures, with the aim of achieving the objectives established pursuant to Article 4 of the WFD. Part B of Annex VI contains a non-exclusive list of such measures.

"Approaches to manage surface water that take account of water quantity (flooding), water quality (pollution)ᅠ and amenity issues are collectively referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (or SUDS) are a sequence of water management practices, green infrastructures and measures designed to drain surface water in a manner that mimics the natural hydrologic cycle and will provide a more sustainable approach to rainwater management than what has been the conventional grey infrastructure practice of routing run-off through a pipe to a receiving watercourse.

Shallow, broad and vegetated channels designed to store and/or convey runoff.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission