Basins and ponds


Basins and ponds store surface run-off.ᅠ Detention basins are free from water in dry weather flow conditions but ponds (e.g., retention ponds, flood storage reservoirs, shallow impoundments) contain water in dry weather, and are designed to hold more when it rains.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Biophysical parameter


A biophysical parameter is a measurable characteristic that can help in defining a particular system. It can cover individual substances, groups of substances or be defined by its measurement method like turbidity or the mesurement of oxygen consumption like BOD5 or COD. It is generally expressed by a value and its unit.

Channels and Rills


'Hard-edged' conveyance channels to move water between components in a SuDS 'train'.ᅠ Typically narrower than swales, but may also include vegetated aspects.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Filter Strips


Gently sloping vegetated strips of land that provide opportunities for slow conveyance and infiltration. Designed to accept runoff as overland flow from upstream and to slow the progress of this runoff.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission

Infiltration Trenches


Shallow excavations filled with gravel or other material to create temporary storage and to enhance the natural capacity of the ground to infiltrate. Infiltration trenches would typically be used to intercept surface runoff drainage (e.g. drainage from roof or other impervious areas) or to convey water towards a detention pond.
- Based on Stella definitions, adapted by NWRM project experts and validated by the European Commission