Since 1984, the Hunting Federation of Ille-et-Vilaine Department has been rehabilitating a 550-hectare marshland that was heavily developed in the last century. Rehabilitation began with the replacement of corn crops by hay and pasture natural meadows via contractual agreement (with finacing) with the farmers. It continued with the restoration of a peat bog and a reed bed. In addition, due to the highly developed nature of the marsh and its...
This project, restoration and conservation of riparian forests, ended in 2012 with the recovery of a long-term conservation of habitats and species in protected area "Reka Maritsa". It was carried out by the local authority of Dimitrovgrad municipality.
The project refers to water retention management in the broader area of Ancient Olympia, Elia, Peloponnese, Greece; that is afforestation of mountain areas. The measures include the temporary installation of structures utilizing locally available timber in order to increase water retention as well as targeted planting of forests in mountain areas that can help stabilize hill slopes, thereby reduce erosion and potentially leading to greater...
The short term project objectives were to create 250 ha of wetland by raising the water level of the embanked area with a regulating water outlet structure, creation of a variety of habitats -from dry land to spots with deep water- by digging and opening up of old river meanders that had been filled up.
The project is a good experience in the field of ecological restoration, involving purchase of land, participatory planning and co-...
The application was funded by LIFE and other national funds and The State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic as responsible with others NGOs with the objective of restoring favourable conservation status of breeding and migrating birds from Birds Directive and Habitats Directive in the Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs through improving habitats in key locations.