The Léguer River catchment is one of the most hedged areas in Brittany. However, this territory has suffered a decline in its hedgerow mesh as a result of agricultural mechanization and land consolidation operations. Faced with the degradation of the Leguer's water quality observed in the 1990s, elected officials in the Leguer's watershed became aware of the need to preserve the hedgerow to stop this degradation, and to consider its...
The Sutlansko Lake area is a wetland with a high biological diversity. The Vonarje reservoir was initially built for drinking water supply and flood protection. The reservoir was drained due to difficulties encountered to manage its water quality. Now it operates as a dry retention basin for flood protection. At the bottom of the reservoir, wetland ecosystems developed. For this reason, the area of the reservoir on the Slovene side has been...
Kuresoo bog restoration action is an example in Estonia where it will be possible to assess the impact of hydrological regime restoration to Sphagnum mossgroth and effectiveness of different damming technologies. Even though there were studies made for the area and restoration then in practice it turned out that additionally to wooden dams also peat dykes were built as wooden dams did not rise the water lever equally. The measures were...
During last years the construction of the sediment capture ponds as a part of the drainage system has become a good practice measure in the forests managed by Latvian State Forests, therefore some of the environmental impacts of this measures has been monitored to justify its costs. The results indicate differences between monitoring sites set up on mineral or peatland soils as well as between different measured parameters. Additionally, it...