Since 2003 the city of Vienna supports financially the implementation of green roofs with 8-25 € per m². The maximum subsidy can be 2200 €. Until 2010 16000 m² roof were transformed and 150 000 € invested.
Vers un schéma de gestion globale de l'Ill domaniale entre Colmar et Strasbourg, Synd'Ill Huttenheim
This case study is located in Switzerland, in the city of Chênes Bourgerie. It presents one of the natural water retention measures that can be implemented in urban areas to reduce runoff and flood risks. A retention pond is implemented on a plot to retain about 450m3 of water, which contribute to retain water at the watershed scale (279m3 for 3,1ha). The pond also provides a "natural" area which can be used as recreative area for...
Green Borders - WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) started in January 2009, along the Danube river in Romania and Bulgaria, the LIFE Nature project "Transboundary conservation of the Phalacrocorax pygmaeus and Aythya nyroca in Romanian and Bulgarian key sites" to ensure living conditions for the two species by: nesting and feeding areas, reconstruction; implementing the best practices for fisheries management, developing alternatives...
The study is carried out by flow weighted sampling at the inlet and outlet of one infiltration trench in Kungsbacka south of Gothenburg, located under the parking lot of a supermarket. The observations and sampling were conducted during April to June 2012 and the results from five storm events were analyzed.
The main objective of the project is to conserve the biodiversity, the natural habitats, the wild species of flora and fauna and to assure an efficient management of protected natural areas, in particular, management of the ecological network Natura 2000 through reconstruction of Comana Wetland within Giurgiu County.