The case study site is located upstream of a captage area, where aqueducts abstract water for Venice, Vicenza and other towns: there is thus a demand for increased groundwater recharge and water purification. In addition, Bosco Limite provides a wide range of good and services, such as groundwater recharge, CO2 fixation, biodiversity safeguard, production of high quality wood and biomass for energetic purposes, and recreational-touristic...
The initiative is aimed at the recovering and maintenance of a cultural and historical heritage with the promotion of new agricultural activities (not necessarily for economic purposes). A large part of terraces are no longer used today, as landowners either emigrated or are too old to take care of them. As a consequence, these terraces are increasingly degraded. The Committee "Adotta un terrazzamento" (Adopt a Terrace) acts as a...
The Exmoor Mires project is part of a wider Upstream Thinking programme initiated by the local water company South West Water (SWW) to use land management to tackle problems of water quality and quantity across South-west England. The benefit to SWW is in potentially reducing the costs of water treatment. Demonstration of success will allow SWW to approach the regulator (OFWAT) for permission to develop PES schemes to deliver these benefits...
This project, restoration and conservation of riparian forests, ended in 2012 with the recovery of a long-term conservation of habitats and species in protected area "Reka Maritsa". It was carried out by the local authority of Dimitrovgrad municipality.
Germasogeia river (also known as Amathos river) crosses the premises of Germasogeia municipality, close to the city of Limassol on the south end of Cyprus. The aim of the measure implementation is to enable natural purification of water and recharge of Germasogeia aquifer, processes that were disrupted by the construction of an upstream dam. This is succeeded by gradually releasing water from the upstream dam and maintaining the high...
The coastal part of the Ezousa riverbed aquifer, stretches up to 8 km from the coasts of Pafos district. The measure implementation concern the utilization of the local aquifer as a natural reservoir for natural filtration, storage and reuse of water, by creating and feeding infiltration ponds located in the riverbed. The water consists of tertiary treated sewage originating from the Paphos sewage treatment plant.
WWF Danube Carpathina program, together with local people from Mindya village in the region of Veliko Turnovo, restored the connection of Veselina River, a tributary of Yantra, with its former meander near the village.
This case study is located in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. It describes how green roofs have been implemented on the roof of a hospital (0.55 ha) in order to decrease flood risks in urban areas. Indeed, this green roof is designed to retain about 30.25 m3/day water in the soil and plants and prevents it from running off. Compared to a traditionnal roof, the green roof retains about 60% of the water quantity that would run off otherwise....
The Ernz Blanche (Luxembourg) river restoration project aimed at erasing the effect of the river chanelling, which caused the river uniformisation and floods downstream. The project consisted in a remeandering, increase of the base level of the river and widening of the riverbed.
During last years the construction of the sediment capture ponds as a part of the drainage system has become a good practice measure in the forests managed by Latvian State Forests, therefore some of the environmental impacts of this measures has been monitored to justify its costs. The results indicate differences between monitoring sites set up on mineral or peatland soils as well as between different measured parameters. Additionally, it...
In 1992, a field margin programme has been started by the city of Heilbronn, Germany. Farmers involvement plays an important role within the programme, which includes a compensation scheme for production losses. The establishment of the field margins aim mainly at controling erosion and run-off as well as at promoting biodiversity. Infiltration of rainwater into the soil is about 20% higher in the field margins than in the fields.
The study is carried out by flow weighted sampling at the inlet and outlet of one infiltration trench in Kungsbacka south of Gothenburg, located under the parking lot of a supermarket. The observations and sampling were conducted during April to June 2012 and the results from five storm events were analyzed.
The Babina polder (2.100 ha), in Romania, was reconnected to the Danube in 1994 and recovery has been monitored by the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development. Within a few years a redevelopment of the site-specific biodiversity occurred and ecosystem services like nutrient retention and fish recruitment became obvious. Additionally, the reconnected polder enable reed harvesting, grazing, fishing and ecotourism.
Recovery of the climate and landscape via integrated rainwater retention in the damaged parts of Slovakia utilizing water retention measures (small dams, retention ponds, rainwater gardens, re-cultivated logging roads). The project coordination was WaterandPeople NGO and funded by LIFE program
DANUBE FORESTS, coordinated by BROZ - Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development and funded by LIFE program, preserves the remaining natural floodplain forests in the Slovak part of the Danube inland delta and introduce sound and sustainable forest management practices to the area.
Reconstruction of dams and sluice gates, blocking of drainage ditches and creation of a hydrological network to allow water coming from the Little Carpathians to flow through the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, in Slovakia. Funded by LIFE+ program
WETREST Project, in Zahorie Lowland (western Slovakia), takes actions focusing restoration activities and increasing awareness about wetlands conservation and restoration. The project is funded by the LIFE program in coordination with the Ministry of Environment.
The annual cycle of flows in the Morava River, south of Bratislava, and its tributaries were modified in three sites leading to restoration of the wetland biotic complexes and movements between fragments of habitat isolated by land use. Thanks to Biodiversity Protection project, funded by the Global environmental Trust Fund and national funds, 4 oxbows and over 19km of floodplain were restored.
The project's objective was to improve the conservation status of aquatic bird species in Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Galati County, Romania, through a series of strategic interventions involving scientific inventory, monitoring activities, sites restoration, raising awareness activities, implementation of the park management plan and designating four Special Protected Area - Romanian Natura 2000 sites. Partners were the...
The aim was the preservation, restoration and sustainable management in Small Wetland of Brăila, the wet area compacted on the lower course of the Danube,
between Silistra and Brăila. The project has been carried out during the period from October 2006 to April 2011 spending a total of 978.419 €.
The project's objective was to improve the conservation status of aquatic bird species in Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Galati County, Romania, through a series of strategic interventions involving scientific inventory, monitoring activities, sites restoration, raising awareness activities, implementation of the park management plan and designating four Special Protected Area - Romanian Natura 2000 sites. Partners were the...
The project's objective was to improve the conservation status of aquatic bird species in Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Galati County, Romania, through a series of strategic interventions involving scientific inventory, monitoring activities, sites restoration, raising awareness activities, implementation of the park management plan and designating four Special Protected Area - Romanian Natura 2000 sites. Partners were the...