Title | Abstract | Case study(ies) |
Proposal for the Development of the Oroklini Lake (in Greek) | Major threatening hazards of ecosystem are identified. A management plan for the protection and sustainable development of the lake together with a monitoring plan for the natural environment and of the effectiveness of the management plan is proposed. | Oroklini wetland restoration in Cyprus |
Restoration and Management of Oroklini Lake SPA (CY6000010) in Larnaka, Cyprus / LIFE10 NAT CY 000716 - PROJECT'S WEBSITE | The aim of this project is to bring an ecological balance to the lake so the ecosystem†™s functions will continue in depth of time. This will ensure the stability of the species populations and the qualifying habitats. | Oroklini wetland restoration in Cyprus |
Ecosystem Restoration Case Study Template | In Matsalu National Park there is a former coastal meadow site (Naturea 2000 and Ramsar site) next to a big Salmi coastal meadow with many priority species. On the site the old non-functioning small ditches were closed and scraped to restore the wetland hydrology and breeding and feeding grounds for waders and amphibians. Before the restoration works the area was used mainly for bovine grazing and the restoration did not change the conditions for that. However, due to the activities drinking water will be better available for the cattle. |
Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia |
Looduskaitseline ekspertiis pilootaladele Lääne- ja Hiiumaa kraavitatud rannaniitudel | Nature conservation expertise about possible changing of coastal meadow ditches in order to create more favourable habitat conditions for protected species in 6 pilot areas in Lääne and Hiiu counties. | Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia |
Salmi rannaniidu taastamine, tí¶í¶ nr 13/1136 | Construction project of the restoration works | Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia |
Small scale measures under the "Waters neighborhood Days" in Hamburg - Factsheet | The core of the activities carried out on Osterbek river was the installation of flow control arms at mean water level. Due to the width of the bundle of sticks of 2 to 2.5 m, they should contribute to a significant narrowing of the broad streambed. They were attached to three pegs that were fixed at the ground. In order to avoid under- or backflushing, the brushwood were strengthened with stones, coarse and fine gravel. A total of 14 flow control arms were installed at equal distances approximately transverse to the direction of flow on the left and right bank . In a wide section an island of gravel and coarse of about 15 m was applied. Also in the Middle Bille flow control arms were installed consisting of dead wood, stones and gravel. The brushwood was shortened to a length of about 1 m and transversely and with a slight tilt attached to two pegs in the sole. The height of the installment was also based on mean water level |
Small scale measures under the 'Waters neighborhood Days' in Hamburg, Germany |
Kleinteilige Maßnahmen im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ in Hamburg Urbane Gewässer, Sohlstruktur, Kooperation | Auch in den dicht besiedelten Bereichen einer Großstadt ist eine wirksame und kostengünstige Umsetzung der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie möglich. An jeweils einem Gewässerabschnitt am Osterbek und der Mittleren Bille in Hamburg werden im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ die Gewässerbett- und Uferstruktur verbessert, um den Lebensraum für standorttypische Tier- und Pflanzengesellschaften aufzuwerten und eine größere Strukturvielfalt zu erreichen | Small scale measures under the 'Waters neighborhood Days' in Hamburg, Germany |
Ecological restoration in Czech Republic | Reestablish the stream channel natural conditions; correct hydrological and hydrogeological parameters regarding a better soil retention, lower channel discharge, higher groundwater level; and restore the biodiviersity of fauna and flora | Restoration of the Cerny Potok stream, Czech-Republic |
River Quaggy at Sutcliffe Park:Techniques: Re-meandering, backwater creation, de-culverting | Summary note on the NWRM appraoch used at Sutcliffe Park and the associated benefits observed. | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
a river reborn: Restoring the Quaggy River and tackling flooding | Summary of restoration work as part of flood alleviation scheme | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
River Quaggy FAS Scheme Overview | River Quaggy Flood Alleviation Scheme overview note | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2009 (Activity report 2009) | The SMIVAL (Syndicat Mixte Interdépartemental de la Vallée de la Lèze - an association of 24 communes localised in the Lèze's valley) has been created in 2003. It is responsible for leading, for defining and for implementing actions for a qualitative and quantitative use of the Lèze and its tributaries and for preventing its floods. For preventing floods, an actions programme (called PAPI) has been set up. One action refers to the plantation of floodbreaking hedgerows in order to slow down the flood peak. Hedgerows are located across the flooding plain of the river and they are regularly spaced every 300 to 500 metres. Partially obstructing the flow, hedges can slow running water to dissipate the force and reduce the impacts of flooding. This is a cumulative effect that is measured across the entire valley, with a significant decrease in rates. According to thre PAPI, 75 km of floodbreaking hedgerows were initially planned to be planted until 2016. |
Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2010 (Activity report 2010) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2011 (Activity report 2011) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
SMIVAL, Rapport d'activité 2012 (Activity report 2012) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2013 (Activity report 2013) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
WETLIFE project's final report and deliverables | The WETLIFE project aimed at reversal of negative changes in Amalva and Ž’uvintas mires. Restoration of hydrological conditions necessary for regeneration of mire habitats was the main key to reaching the aim. Additionally, the project had a goal to facilitate a shift in agricultural practices on peatlands in order to improve conditions for biodiversity and reduce rate of peat mineralization with all related environmental consequences. Finally, the project expected to raise awareness about wetlands and to serve as an example of successful wetland restoration and more sustainable use that could be replicated in other parts of the country. see also project video: http://vimeo.com/41861643 |
Restoration of Amalvas and Žuvintas Wetlands, Lithuania |
Projectbrochure Vallei van de Grote Nete | The NWRM aims at restoring the natural flow of the river whilst increasing the possibility to buffer the water. | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Sigmaplan - Vallei van de Grote Nete | In de Vallei van de Grote Nete tussen Nijlen en Geel, krijgt de kronkelende rivier opnieuw meer ruimte, via een combinatie van de aanleg van een winterbedding en gecontroleerde waterbuffergebieden. Dat zijn GOG's zonder ringdijk. De winst is dubbel: de kans op overstromingen is kleiner en geleidelijk kan er weer natte natuur groeien, in de vorm van waardevol wetland. |
Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Project Nieuwsbrief - Vallei van de Grote Nete | Eén van de hoekstenen van het hedendaagse waterbeleid is het principe ‘vasthouden-bergen-afvoeren’ zoals ook blijkt uit het bekkenbeheerplan. Door water maximaal vast te houden aan de bron of ter plaatse te laten infiltreren, wordt wateroverlast niet langer afgewenteld op stroomafwaarts gelegen gebieden. Diezelfdestrategie moet ook voor een oplossing zorgen in de strijd tegen verdroging die in het licht van een mogelijke klimaatsverandering wel eens belangrijk zou kunnen worden. | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Flankerend landbouwbeleid: Begeleiding van actieve landbouwers in Sigmagebieden. | Presents an overview of the agricultural impact assessment for the Sigmaplan as a whole | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Small (natural) water retention in rural areas | Since 1960`s in Poland a phrase „small retention† has been used although it has been unknown in other countries. †œSmall retention† means various forms of human activity aiming towards limiting the fast water runoff after snow melting and heavy rains. It is believed that water that has been retained in periods of its excess can supply water courses during summer. It can also be used for agricultural purposes as it increases water availability for crops and improves biodiversity of rural areas. Many different methods of water retention have been defined. Among others, increase of potential retention of surface waters can be achieved by construction of reservoirs or damming on rivers and lakes. Ground water retention capacity can be improved by increasing recharge of aquifers and improvement of soil structure in the aeration zone. Due to the form and way of implementation of small retention measures they can be divided into technical and non-technical measures. In other words, small retention can be defined as a set of measures aiming towards reconstruction of natural retention in the catchment that has been modified or destroyed by human activity. In this paper, it has been stressed that activities and tasks undertaken in Europe in recent years under phrase †œincrease of natural retention† can be covered by the definition of small retention. | Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
Small water reservoirs †“ their function and construction | Small water reservoirs play important role in rural areas. They used to be very popular, but most of them have been devastated in the last century. It is worth to restore them and to construct new ones. Very small reservoirs (ponds) can be constructed in economical and cost efficient way by individual farmers. In regard to damming below 1.0 m and to reservoirs situated outside protected areas, the permission for construction and the environmental impact assessment is not required. However, one should always keep in mind that even the smallest construction is the work of engineering and should be performed in accordance with the current standards. The increase of available water resources and improvement of water quality demand various measures including those aimed at reducing and limiting water runoff and pollutants transport from the river basins. One of the methods to improve the structure of water balance and the amount of water in rivers is the construction of a large number of small reservoirs, wetland reconstruction etc. Such reservoirs may be divided to: recreational, floristic and faunistic conservation sites, swimming pools, water quality protection (constructed wetlands) and infiltration reservoirs. Reservoirs can have many functions of the economic and natural character. If they are designed and constructed properly they can be a valuable element of the natural landscape in rural areas. Basic data for designing of small reservoirs serving mainly recreational (decorative) purposes and those used for water treatment and ground water recharge are given in the paper. |
Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
kowalewski.htm | An increase of water retention in the programmes of small retention in the country to the year 2015 is estimated at 1141 million m3. It means annual mean increase of retention capacity by c. 60 million m3. Accomplishment of relevant actions in the years 1997†“2007 allowed collecting 57 million m3 in lakes, c. 56 million m3 in artificial reservoirs, 18.5 million m3 in fishponds, c. 10.5 million m3 with the channel retention and over 2 million m3 in other investments. It makes total increase of water retention by 142 million m3 which is 12.4% of target retention and the mean annual increment of c. 13 million m3. The paper presents volumes of retained water, sources and structure of financing, mean unit costs of retention increments and the increase of retention capacity in particular voivodships (acc. to new administration division) in the years 1998†“2007. |
Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
La recarga artificial de acuíferos. Marco legal que regula sus aplicaciones. | Se ha realizado un análisis de la legislación vigente con objecto de evaluar en qué grado es contemplada la recarga artificial de acuíferos. Esta se ha llevado a cabo en las principales disposiciones legales, tanto en el ámbito comunitario como en el nacional, relativas a aspectos hidrogeológicos y medioambientales. | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
The regulation of stream water quality and flow by a forested wetland, Kylmäojankorpi, Vantaa. | The Kylmäojankorpi case study represents a research work which aimed to assess whether and how existing forested wetland improves and regulates stream water quality and flow. | Kylmäojankorpi forested wetland, Vantaa, Finland |
Ciobarciu Wetland Project website | Includes general infromation about the project, area description, ecological rehabilitation, description of the wetland and project implementation | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Restoring Europe's Rivers - Case Study Ciobarciu Wetland Project | Case study pesentation with additional deatails | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
A String of Pearls: Towards Restoration of Wetland Values in the Prut Basin | Keynote paper he "River Restoration 2004" conference presenting the concept of the "string of pearls" ecological restoration concept and in more details the pilot project Ciobarciu (Costuleni) project | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
The Costuleni Wetland Project Plan | Project concept including project objectives, planning and organization, budget and financing | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Pilot info | Pilot info prepared for the project website | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Evaluation report Ciobarciu Wetland | Report presenting the main lessons of the project, especially regarding stakeholder participation. It does so by first giving an introduction to the project and explaining the method of the evaluation (chapter 1). It then goes through the results of the project (chapter 2), following the project†™s objectives as described in the project document and quoted in the introduction (chapter 1) of this report. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Ciobarciu Wetland Pilot Project on ecological Reconstruction | Prezentation of the pilot project at the Final Wetlands Workshop of UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
ECRR Addressing practitioners | Presents among others as good case study from Romania the Ciobarciu wetland - first step to netwrok wetlands | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
How to facilitate the transfer of wtaer management knowledge Lessons from Dutch-Romanian project experiences for project implementers, advisors and financers |
The booklet presents some of the Dutch experiences with transferring knowledge in international collaborative water projects. One of teh case studie is the Ciobarciu wetland project and includes data from the evaluation from 2011. |
Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Transferring Water Management Knwoledge How actors, interaction and context influence the effectiveness of Dutch-funded project in Romania |
Thesis as a result of the collaboratiion of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Water Engineering and Ma nagement (www.utwente.nl/ctw/wem/) and the School of Management and Governance, CSTM: Twente Centre for Studies in Technology andSustainable Development (www.utwente.nl/mb/cstm/). Reflection and discussion part includes also the Ciobarciu case study |
Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Rivers by Design | Guide for planners, designers and developers, Provides practical advice and information on restoring and protecting rivers and sharing best practice case study examples of projects that have been successfully implemented across Europe. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Ecological Restoration Project "Ciobarciu-Costuleni" (Iasi-Romania): Monitoring of the Birds' Fauna Evolution | The study is the results of a birds' monitoring program started during the spring of the year 2007 and that is going on, in order to propose this new wetland for a protected status in the national Natura 2000 network. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
CONFERENCE "ECOLOGICALNETWORKS" Introduction to experiences and approaches | Includes prezentation on the wetlands in the Prut basin, among others the Ciobarciu wetland project | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
River Basin Management Plan Prut-Barlad | General presentation of the basin, Characterization, Identification of the protected areas, Monitoring, Environmenatl objectives, Economic analysis, programme of Measures, etc. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Sustainable stormwater management at Fornebu “ from an airport to an industrial and residential area of the city of Oslo, Norway | Sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure in Fornebu, Norway | |
From airport to sustainable community sustainable Fornebu | The refurbishment of the 340-hectare Fornebu site – Oslo’s airport until 1998 – is one of Norway’s largest and most ambitious development projects, including new housing, businesses, recreation and conservation projects. One of two landowners at Fornebu, the Norwegian state, and its organ for construction and land development, Statsbygg (Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property), have been heavily involved in work on Fornebu since 1995. | Sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure in Fornebu, Norway |
The aesthetic performance of urban landscape-based stormwater management systems: a review of twenty projects in northern Europe | Driven by the challenge of adapting cities to climate change, stormwater management is high on the agenda of landscape architectural practice. This article aims to set light on associated landscape changes, presenting and evaluating twenty Northern European stormwater management projects with a specific view on their aesthetic performance. Five key parameters form the base for the analysis. These include 1) terrain changes, 2) construction and maintenance, 3) site history and context, 4) water dynamics and dimensioning, and 5) stormwater accentuation. Observations are illustrated by exemplary photos, arranged and discussed among varying cases. The study indicates that visible stormwater management enhances the experience of local terrain. However, stormwater management is weak as a main design feature and staging water ‘at any cost’ results in unsettled designs. Successful projects include only a few key water features and focus on programmatic interaction within the specific context. | Sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure in Fornebu, Norway |
Nottingham Green Streets †“ Retrofit Rain Garden Project | Detailed summary note on the Rain garden project, costs, lessons learnt etc | Rain gardens for the Day Brook, UK |
La nature mise en valeur | The document is presenting the overal project (river restoration, extensiv agriculture development, etc.) and its impact on biodiversity. | Alzette river restoration in Dumonshaff, Luxembourg |
Auenschutz - Hochwasserschutz - Wasserkraftnutzung. Beispiele für eine ökologisch vorbildliche Praxis | Book describing a list of good practice examples of protection of floodplains, flood protection and hydropower use - mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
Ljubljanica Connects | Project description | Establishing connectivity in the Ljubljanica river, Slovenia |
Die Deichrückverlegung bei Lenzen an der Elbe | Entire journal dedicated to the project, giving details in particular from a hydraulic perspective. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
Naturschutzgroßprojekt Lenzener Elbtalaue | Website of the project. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
Hochwasser: Rückverlegung des Deichs bewährt sich | Eine renaturierte Auenlandschaft mit großer Artenvielfalt und ein wirksamer Schutz vor Hochwasser – das sind die Ergebnisse des Naturschutzgroßprojekts „Lenzener Elbtalaue“. Unter der Leitung des Biologen Dr. Christian Damm vom KIT wurde der Elbdeich bei Lenzen (Brandenburg) ins Hinterland verlegt. Das bis jetzt größte Rückdeichungsprojekt Deutschlands hat nun eine wichtige Bewährungsprobe bestanden: Beim Elbe-Hochwasser 2013 hat die Überflutungsfläche zwischen altem und neuem Deich das Umland vor Schäden bewahrt.Eine renaturierte Auenlandschaft mit großer Artenvielfalt und ein wirksamer Schutz vor Hochwasser – das sind die Ergebnisse des Naturschutzgroßprojekts „Lenzener Elbtalaue“. Unter der Leitung des Biologen Dr. Christian Damm vom KIT wurde der Elbdeich bei Lenzen (Brandenburg) ins Hinterland verlegt. Das bis jetzt größte Rückdeichungsprojekt Deutschlands hat nun eine wichtige Bewährungsprobe bestanden: Beim Elbe-Hochwasser 2013 hat die Überflutungsfläche zwischen altem und neuem Deich das Umland vor Schäden bewahrt. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |