Title | Abstract | Case study(ies) |
Weigall Road and Sutcliffe park | Site description and details of dimensions of NWRM measures | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
Exemple d’une cogestion réussie sur un marais breton | Restoration of the Black Marsh of Saint-Coulban | |
ES2200035 -Tramos Bajos del Aragon y del Arga | Natura 2000 data set for lower reaches of the Aragon and Arga Rivers | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Stratégie locale de gestion des risques inondations, territoire à risque important d’inondation d’Annecy | Functional restoration of the valley of Saint Ruph-Glière-Eau Morte | |
National River Flow Archive | Data and catchment characteristics for Pickering Beck gauging station 27056 - Pickering Beck at Ings Bridge | Slowing the Flow at Pickering, UK |
DANUBE FORESTS - Conservation and management of Danube floodplain forests | Measures for the control and elimination of invasive plant species, the promotion of natural regeneration and selective tree cuttin | Preservation of floodplain forests, Slovakia |
Biodiversity GEF Project | The annual cycle of flows in the Morava River and its tributaries was to be restored in three sites leading to restoration of the wetland biotic complexes and movements between fragments of habitat isolated by land use. The project restored 4 oxbows and over 19km of floodplain. | Restoration of oxbows and floodplains on the Morava River, Slovakia |
Case study:Restoration of Vesselina River | Restore the connection of Vesselina River, a tributary of Yantra, with its former meander. | Restoration of the Vesselina river, Bulgaria |
Progetto "Il bosco Limite di Camazzole" | Project description | Reforestation in Veneto, Italy |
Initial changes in hydrology and water quality following restoration of a shallow degraded peatland in the South west | Presentation at Upland Hydrology in the UK conference, 10th March 2014, the University of Leeds | Exmoor Mires peatland restoration, UK |
Stormwater management at the local scale: a green roof study, review and lessons learned | Green roofs in Geneva, Switzerland | |
Dijkteruglegging Lent | In the vicinity of Lent the existing dike is moved land inwards and in this new area a new trench is dug. This will widen the river bend between Nijmegen and Lent and will assure better water flow off during high tide situations. The estimated drop in water levels in extreme situation is up to 35 cm. | Room for the River: Nijmegen dike relocation, Netherlands |
Hochwasser: Rückverlegung des Deichs bewährt sich | Eine renaturierte Auenlandschaft mit großer Artenvielfalt und ein wirksamer Schutz vor Hochwasser – das sind die Ergebnisse des Naturschutzgroßprojekts „Lenzener Elbtalaue“. Unter der Leitung des Biologen Dr. Christian Damm vom KIT wurde der Elbdeich bei Lenzen (Brandenburg) ins Hinterland verlegt. Das bis jetzt größte Rückdeichungsprojekt Deutschlands hat nun eine wichtige Bewährungsprobe bestanden: Beim Elbe-Hochwasser 2013 hat die Überflutungsfläche zwischen altem und neuem Deich das Umland vor Schäden bewahrt.Eine renaturierte Auenlandschaft mit großer Artenvielfalt und ein wirksamer Schutz vor Hochwasser – das sind die Ergebnisse des Naturschutzgroßprojekts „Lenzener Elbtalaue“. Unter der Leitung des Biologen Dr. Christian Damm vom KIT wurde der Elbdeich bei Lenzen (Brandenburg) ins Hinterland verlegt. Das bis jetzt größte Rückdeichungsprojekt Deutschlands hat nun eine wichtige Bewährungsprobe bestanden: Beim Elbe-Hochwasser 2013 hat die Überflutungsfläche zwischen altem und neuem Deich das Umland vor Schäden bewahrt. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
Ecological restoration in Czech Republic | Restoration of a raised bog almost completely destroyed by industrial peat mining. Establishment of wetland communities and peatforming vegetation with possible return of relict peatbog species | Restoration of the Sumava peatbog, Czech Republic |
Plan Nacional de Restauracion de Ríos | Este Ministerio está desarrollando, en consonancia con la Directiva marco del agua y la Directiva de evaluación y gestión de los riesgos de inundación, la Estrategia Nacional de Restauración de Ríos, un conjunto de actuaciones con el fin de conservar y recuperar el buen estado de nuestros ríos, minimizar los riesgos de inundación, potenciar su patrimonio cultural, fomentar el uso racional del espacio fluvial e impulsar el desarrollo sostenible del medio rural. |
Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
The Órbigo River Restoration Project and its implications in flood risk prevention | WGF Thematic Workshop: Stakeholder Involvement in Flood Risk Management. 17, 18 April, 2012. Bucharest-Romania Session 4: Working with institutional stakeholders and other sectors, in particular in land use |
Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Attenuation capacity of a coastal aquifer under managed recharge by reclaimed wastewater | Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is becoming an increasingly attractive water management option, especially in semiarid areas. Nevertheless, field studies on the fate and transport of priority substances, heavy metals and pharmaceutical products within the recharged aquifer are rare. Based on the above, the objective of this project is to study the hydrological conditions of the coastal aquifer of Ezousa (Cyprus) and its ability to attenuate pollutants. The Ezousa riverbed is a locally important aquifer used for a MAR project where treated effluent from the Paphos Waste Water Treatment Plant is recharged into the aquifer through a number of artificial ponds along the riverbed. Additionally, groundwater is pumped for irrigation purposes from wells located nearby. The hydrological conditions of the area are unique due to the construction of the Kannaviou dam in 2005 that reduced natural recharge of the Ezousa aquifer significantly, inducing the saltwater intrusion phenomenon. A three-dimensional finite element model of the area was constructed using the FEFLOW software to simulate the groundwater flow conditions and transport of Phosphorous and cooper in the subsurface from the recharge process. The model was calibrated using hydraulic head and chemical data for the time period of 2002-2011. The groundwater model was coupled with a geochemical model PHREEQC attempting to evaluate nitrate and Copper processes. Inverse modeling calculation was used to determine sets of moles transfers of phases that are attributed to the water composition change in groundwater between the mixture of natural groundwater and reclaimed wastewater and the final water composition. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. | Ezousas artificial groundwater recharge of treated effluent in Cyprus |
Nottingham Green Streets †“ Retrofit Rain Garden Project | Detailed summary note on the Rain garden project, costs, lessons learnt etc | Rain gardens for the Day Brook, UK |
DINA-MAR. La gestión de la recarga artificial de acuíferos en el marco del desarrollo sostenible. Desarrollo tecnológico. |
The publication shows the results of the years of aquifer recharged financed through the DINA MAR Project (from 2007 to 2010) | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
www.adottaunterrazzamento.org | The project's aim is to recover the traditional terraces, abandoned and in state of instability, recovering the agricultural potential of the area and improving its hydrogeological stability. | Traditional terracing in Veneto, Italy |
Application of the water erosion prediction project (WEPP) in olive orchards on Vertic soil with different management conditions | The WEPP model was evaluated using monthly runoff and erosion data collected from an experiment in an olive orchard on a Vertic soil during four hydrological years, comparing three different soil management systems: no tillage with bare soil (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and cover crop (CC). These three systems differed greatly in average annual runoff and soil losses. | Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) |
Interview with Micha Bunusevac | Interview | Restoration of the Ernz Blanche river, Luxemburg |
Contrat de rivières transfrontalier du sud-ouest lémanique 2006-2012, Etude, bilan, évaluation et prospective, phase 2: bilan technique et financier | The reports presents the technical and financial results of the Contrat de rivière project | Restoration of river Hermance, France |
Hierarchical spatial patterns and drivers of change in benthic macro invertebrate communities in an intermittent Mediterranean river. | 1. The imminent damming of the Odelouca River, an intermittent Mediterranean river situated in the south-west Algarve region of Portugal with valuable stands of riparian vegetation, has called for the compulsory implementation of compensatory measures. 2. In order to assess the primary environmental and human factors that drive change in the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Odelouca, and the spatial scale at which they occur, 30 sites were sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates and extensively surveyed. | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
Projectbrochure Vallei van de Grote Nete | The NWRM aims at restoring the natural flow of the river whilst increasing the possibility to buffer the water. | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Conservation of endangered bird species populations in natural habitats of the Danube inland delta | In the past, the Danube inland delta represented one of the largest and most diverse natural wetland complexes in Central Europe. Large parts of it have been destroyed during last decades; presently habitat loss and destruction continues as a result of former river regulations and poor area management. The decreasing habitat quality and several other factors (e.g. unregulated disturbance by man) have lead to major decrease of populations of the typical floodplain bird species – black stork (Cicconia nigra), night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), little egret (Egretta garzetta), sand martin (Riparia riparia). Nowadays the pressure of the negative factors continues, therefore urgent actions are needed to recover and/or maintain the quality and quantity of the floodplain avifauna. | Wetland restoration and remeandering in SPA Dunajské luhy (Slovakia) and SPA Szigetkoz (Hungary) |
Ecological Restoration of Mata-Radeanu Complex | The Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park is the entrance of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. It lies on the flyway route of hundreds of migratory birds. The ecological importance of the park has been recognised at national as well as international levels.The project objective is to improve the conservation status of 13 priority and more than 50 non-priority bird species listed in the Birds Directive and present in the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park. A main aim is to resolve the environmental problems caused by human activities such as agriculture, pasturage, fishery and tourism in and around the Park. To deal with the degradation of hydrological structures, the project also aims to re-establish the ecological balance of the lakes, including improvement of the water level and its maintenance. The results of the project are linked by the designation of Mata – Radeanu Complex as Special Protected Area NATURA 2000 within The Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park. Through the ecological restoration works at Mata – Radeanu Complex, the water level is maintained so the habitats are protected as in drought period so in the floods ones. | Ecological Restoration of Mata Radeanu, Romania |
TERRITORIO VISÓN - Recuperacion ambiental del Territorio Fluvial; espacio vital del vison europeo (Mustela lutreola) - LIFE09 NAT/ES/000531 | El proyecto LIFE+ TERRITORIO VISÓN es un proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del Programa LIFE+ 2009 “Naturaleza y Biodiversidad”. Tiene por objeto la recuperación de los hábitats fluviales y la mejora de la biodiversidad de los tramos bajos de los ríos Arga y Aragón, lugares de importancia comunitaria (LIC) incluidos en la Red Natura 2000, y la zona de mayor densidad de población de visón europeo (Mustela lutreola) en Europa occidental, a la vez que optimiza la defensa contra inundaciones. | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Performance Assessment of an Integrated Constructed Wetland-Pond System in Dublin, Ireland |
Chemical results from integrated wetlands, installtion of barley straw. | River Tolka constructed wetland and enhancements, Ireland |
Kleinteilige Maßnahmen im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ in Hamburg Urbane Gewässer, Sohlstruktur, Kooperation | Auch in den dicht besiedelten Bereichen einer Großstadt ist eine wirksame und kostengünstige Umsetzung der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie möglich. An jeweils einem Gewässerabschnitt am Osterbek und der Mittleren Bille in Hamburg werden im Rahmen der „Gewässernachbarschaftstage“ die Gewässerbett- und Uferstruktur verbessert, um den Lebensraum für standorttypische Tier- und Pflanzengesellschaften aufzuwerten und eine größere Strukturvielfalt zu erreichen | Small scale measures under the 'Waters neighborhood Days' in Hamburg, Germany |
Drainage Area Study of the city of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, and its utilization for urban planning | Drainage Area Study of the city of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, and its utilization for urban planning of Hradec Kralove and adjacent regions is a large water management project defining concept of stormwater management in the region in accordance with the sustainability principles. The goal of the study was to link rules and criteria of sustainable stormwater management with urban planning. In the framework of the study a complex assessment of the current status of water management including the risk of flooding was performed, potential of the existing development to approach pre-urbanization runoff behavior was evaluated and conditions of stormwater management in the planned development were specified. | Drainage management in the city of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic |
Sem’ les Alpes, Des semences d’origine locale pour la restauration de milieux ouverts en montagne alpine | Revegetation of the Vernie Rouge ski slope in the Alps | |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2010 (Activity report 2010) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
IW Science | The Green Borders project creates the framework for cross-border conservation for 11 Natura 2000 sites along the Lower Danube in Romania and Bulgaria. | Green Borders: Transboundary conservation activities in Romania and Bulgaria |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2009 (Activity report 2009) | The SMIVAL (Syndicat Mixte Interdépartemental de la Vallée de la Lèze - an association of 24 communes localised in the Lèze's valley) has been created in 2003. It is responsible for leading, for defining and for implementing actions for a qualitative and quantitative use of the Lèze and its tributaries and for preventing its floods. For preventing floods, an actions programme (called PAPI) has been set up. One action refers to the plantation of floodbreaking hedgerows in order to slow down the flood peak. Hedgerows are located across the flooding plain of the river and they are regularly spaced every 300 to 500 metres. Partially obstructing the flow, hedges can slow running water to dissipate the force and reduce the impacts of flooding. This is a cumulative effect that is measured across the entire valley, with a significant decrease in rates. According to thre PAPI, 75 km of floodbreaking hedgerows were initially planned to be planted until 2016. |
Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
Ljubljanica connects - Restoration of the Ljubljanica River corridor and improvement of the river's flow regime | Removing barriers to fish migration, enhancing and restoring habitats, improving the water management infrastructure, and putting in place a water monitoring system. | Establishing connectivity in the Ljubljanica river, Slovenia |
The evolution process in Holbina-Dunavat area during restoration works | Mainly during the last decades of the 20th century, the Danube Delta has suffered from human interventions that led to dramatic changes in some areas. These interventions consisted in the dyking of large areas for the purpose of agricultural use, intensive fish-farming and forestry, which resulted in dramatic alterations or disturbances of the water balance. This again had effects on the alteration of natural processes, the ecological balance as well as the characteristic functions of wetlands and led to a deterioration or worse, the loss of area-specific habitats. When the transformation measures were stopped in early 1990, the dyked area covered 97.408 ha (22 %) of the total 482.592 ha. | Holbina-Dunavat Restoration Project, Romania |
A String of Pearls: Towards Restoration of Wetland Values in the Prut Basin | Keynote paper he "River Restoration 2004" conference presenting the concept of the "string of pearls" ecological restoration concept and in more details the pilot project Ciobarciu (Costuleni) project | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
The Integrated Rhine Programme, flood control and restoration of former floodplains along the upper rhine | Concept Note of the project: legal background, history of the modification of the Rhine, flood risk and near-natural flood protection | Polder management near Altenheim, Germany |
Publicaciones sobre restauración fluvial | Publications concerning watercourse restoration | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Recueil d'expériences: les communaux du Marais Poitevin | Experiences and results about the preservation fo the common floodmeadows | Flood meadows in the Marais Poitevin, France |
Flankerend landbouwbeleid: Begeleiding van actieve landbouwers in Sigmagebieden. | Presents an overview of the agricultural impact assessment for the Sigmaplan as a whole | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Looduskaitseline ekspertiis pilootaladele Lääne- ja Hiiumaa kraavitatud rannaniitudel | Nature conservation expertise about possible changing of coastal meadow ditches in order to create more favourable habitat conditions for protected species in 6 pilot areas in Lääne and Hiiu counties. | Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia |
Rechargable sustainability: the key is the storage | Between 2007 and mid-2011, the Tragsa Group has financed the project of R&D DINA-MAR, "Management of Aquifer Recharge within the framework of sustainable development". The project has been centered on studies related to aquifer management from different perspectives and on its potential for consolidation as an effective water management technique. | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
"Frontiere Verzi". Reconstructie ecoogica in baltile Dunarii | Artcile on the project Green Borders, with emphasize on the results achieved following the ecological reconstruction of the Gerai Pond | Ecological reconstruction of the Gerai Pond, Romania |
Coat Carriou, Saint Evarzec, 0.35 ha | Removal of drainage ditches on wet meadow on Coat Carriou | |
www.tullstorpsan.se | website describing the Tullstorpsån project. The website has many additional documents about the project. | Tullstorpsån rural development project in Sweden |
SENNERESTSK - Conservation of Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs in Slovakia | Implementation of the restoration works that aim to improve small water management infrastructure and achieve favourable water regimes at the respective localities | Wetland restoration in the Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs, Slovakia |
Nieuwe stad, schoon water | a design of a sustainable water management system in the Leische Rijn area includes ecological, hydrological and biological impacts | Leidsche Rijn sustainable urban development, Netherlands |
Action Plan for Renaturation of watercourses in the area of Cerknica Lake (Akcijski plan renaturacije vodotokov na obmoÄju Cerkniškega jezera) - available in Slovenian language | The document consists of historical overview of developments at Cerknica Lake, changed water regime and its consequences, and detailed action plan for renaturation of watercourses of Cerknica Lake. | Conservation on Lake Cerknica, Slovenia |