NWRM Guide - page 61

Visitingexperiences of ‘NWRM inpractice’!
NWRM arenot new,and are alreadybeing applied inpracticebywatermanagers,
nature protection organisations, farmers, urban planners and many others.
Implementation may be as part of catchment management, rural and urban
planning processes, or sector-oriented strategies (e.g. for the agriculture or the
forestry sectors).
If you travel throughout Europe, you will discover practical experiences of
NWRM applications under many different climate, ecological, socio-economic
and institutional contexts.Maybe some of these experiences are just around the
corner! (See themap for the experiences documented as part of the EC-funded
NWRM pilot study under
). Existing experiences can be
sources of
for your ownorganization, planning process and geographic area.
Visitingexamplesofpractical applicationofNWRM inEurope
Around100casestudiesofexistingNWRMhavebeendocumented in thecontextof theNWRM
Pilotproject.Thesecasestudieshavebeendocumentedwithregardsto: theircontext (biophysical/
ecological/socio-economic); the measures implemented (alone or in combination with other
measures); the governance put in place to support their design, selection and implementation;
evidence of observed impacts on retention and connected ecosystem services; contribution to
the achievement of EU policy goals; key implementation challenges. The level of detail varies,
witharound40havingamore in-depthassessmentavailable.Thecasestudiesareallavailableat
. To select the case studies that aremost relevant toyour
• Select thecase studies that are inyour (orother) regionsofEuropeviaan interactivemap;
• Use the search tool of
and select case studies based on: the types of
NWRM implemented; thecountryof implementation; the relevant sectors targetedby the
measure (agriculture, forestry or urban, and those that cut across sectors to improve the
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