The Lèze is a river located in the South of France, near the Pyrenees, on the French departments Ariège and Haute-Garonne. The case study concerns the implementation of floodbreaking hedges, which are located across the flood plain of the Lèze and are regularly spaced (every 300 to 500 metres). Partially obstructing the flow, such hedges can slow down running water and dissipate its energy. The project has been financed by the SMIVAL (20%),...


The Schwarzer Schöps case study is located in the East of Germany. The catchment area is about 136 km2, most of which is used as cropland (54%) and grassland (20%). The area is facing an increase in severe floods, soil erosion, and droughts, with negative implications for crop yield stability. In addition, the downstream reservoir Quitzdorf suffers more often from low water tables and high phosphorus pollution which is causing blue-green...

The major bed of the Save River includes a vast complex of wet meadows directly upstream of the municipality of Isle Jourdain (Gers), located partly in a floodplain area. A water abstraction well is located downstream of this complex for the supply of drinking water to the municipality. In order to reduce the risk of diffuse pollution from catchment, restore wetland habitats and contribute to downstream flood prevention, a 13 hectare parcel,...

Reconstruction of dams and sluice gates, blocking of drainage ditches and creation of a hydrological network to allow water coming from the Little Carpathians to flow through the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, in Slovakia. Funded by LIFE+ program