Title | Abstract | Case study(ies) |
Vegetated ditches for treatment of surface water with highly fluctuating water regime | Vegetated drainage ditches (VDD) as a type of constructed wetland primarily serve to remove and store excess water associated with irrigation and storm events. Current research suggests using a VDD as an additional practice in the mitigation of surface water pollution. The VDD for water treatment of the Glinscica River was constructed in 2006. The efficiency of the system was evaluated in 2008 and 2009 regarding the reduction of SS, COD, BOD5, NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N, TN, ON and TP. The microbiological association developed in the VDD was analyzed with a focus on the identification and quantification of the narG gene as a denitrification indicator. This paper discusses the efficiency of pollution removal and the distribution of the narG gene within the VDD. The results showed that the highly fluctuating water regime was the main reason for the even distribution and abundance of the narG gene throughout the system, regardless of oxygen saturation or the nutrient status of the wastewater. With the exception of SS, pollutant concentrations met the permitted outflow levels. | Pollution Treatment on the Glinščica, Slovenia |
BIOMURA | Removal of heightned banks to stimulate the erosion and widening the river profile, intoruduction of rock-fill riffle to raise water levels during low and average flows, reopening of the side- channels and intoruduction of a system of wooden sluices to raise groundwater tables. | Conservation of Mura banks, Slovenia |
Runoff management: Mitigation measures for disconnecting flow pathways in the Belford Burn catchmen to reduce flood Risk | This paper provides information on the NWRM features applied in the site | Rural runoff attenuation in the Belford catchment, UK |
An integrated approach towards assessing the feasibility of domestic rainwater harvesting in Malta | This paper explores the potential of small scale domestic rainwater harvesting on the island of Malta by taking an integrated look at the physical, social, and economic environments. It explores the extent to which domestic rainwater harvesting has been forgotten despite the fact of it being embedded within Malta†™s history for centuries. The study closely examines the cost-effectiveness of this technology both at a local and national scale and teases out the hurdles that have brought about its rejection by means of residential and water professional interviews. | Domestic rainwater harvesting in Malta |
Landwirtschaftliche und touristische Nutzungsänderungen im Naturschutzgroßprojekt "Lenzener Elbtalaue" (2005 - 2009) Sozio-ökonomische Evaluierung (I) | Project report | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
River Quaggy FAS Scheme Overview | River Quaggy Flood Alleviation Scheme overview note | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
Imrovement of the hydrological regime in Kaikusha marsh | Обектът - блато Кайкуша - попада в едноименната защитена местност, която е част от природен парк „Персина”. Намира се на 5 km югоизточно от г. Белене и на 2 km северозападно от с. Ореш (географска ширина 43°36' N и географска дължина 25°11' E), и попада изцяло в землището на село Ореш, община Свищов, област Велико Търново (фиг. 1). Известна първоначално като езеро, сега Кайкуша е влажна зона, която в резултат на андигирането на река Дунав и изграждането на отводнителна система е със значително нарушени воден режим и екосистемни функции, и представлява мочурлива територия , обрасла с блатна растителност, без постоянно водно огледало. | Green Borders: Transboundary conservation activities in Romania and Bulgaria |
ECRR Addressing practitioners | Presents among others as good case study from Romania the Ciobarciu wetland - first step to netwrok wetlands | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Annexe 12 - Planning Schéma de gestion de l'ill 2014-2024 | Overview on costs | River basin management of the Ill, France |
Artificial groundwater recharge practice in Cyprus: The Yermasoyia aquifer. | The local experience with recharge activities with emphasis on Germasogeia aquifer is presented. These activities have been carried out in order to solve particular problems of augmenting groundwater supply rather than researching the technique itself. | Germasogeia riverbed artificial groundwater recharge in Cyprus |
Upstream Thinking - Exmoor Mires Project | Project home page | Exmoor Mires peatland restoration, UK |
Small (natural) water retention in rural areas | Since 1960`s in Poland a phrase „small retention† has been used although it has been unknown in other countries. †œSmall retention† means various forms of human activity aiming towards limiting the fast water runoff after snow melting and heavy rains. It is believed that water that has been retained in periods of its excess can supply water courses during summer. It can also be used for agricultural purposes as it increases water availability for crops and improves biodiversity of rural areas. Many different methods of water retention have been defined. Among others, increase of potential retention of surface waters can be achieved by construction of reservoirs or damming on rivers and lakes. Ground water retention capacity can be improved by increasing recharge of aquifers and improvement of soil structure in the aeration zone. Due to the form and way of implementation of small retention measures they can be divided into technical and non-technical measures. In other words, small retention can be defined as a set of measures aiming towards reconstruction of natural retention in the catchment that has been modified or destroyed by human activity. In this paper, it has been stressed that activities and tasks undertaken in Europe in recent years under phrase †œincrease of natural retention† can be covered by the definition of small retention. | Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
Dossier de demande d’autorisation au titre de la Loi sur l’Eau et les Milieux Aquatique et de Natura 2000 | Morphological restoration of temporary watercourses in the National Forest of Chaux | |
Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament: establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy | Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
Retours d’expérience sur la restauration de prairies humides | Restoration of a natural floodplain meadow in the Quintarets at Isle-Jourdain | |
Flood control areas as an opportunity to restore estuarine habitat. Ecological Engineering 28(1), 55-63. | Intertidal areas in estuaries play a multi-functional role, from energy dissipation and mitigation of floods over provision of natural habitat to a contribution in the cycling and recycling of nutrients. Many of these intertidal areas have been claimed for urban, agricultural or industrial expansion. When considering restoration in a land-scarce environment, managed realignment is not always an option and thus other approaches need to be considered. In this paper we investigate the possibility to combine the concept of a flood control area (FCA) with nature development and the functions of intertidal areas, by use of simple sluice constructions to introduce a controlled reduced tide (CRT). Model results show the possibility to introduce acceptable tidal influence in FCAs. Nevertheless there are major differences with tidal characteristics of natural outer dike marshes: the spring-neap tidal range is strongly reduced, the tidal curve flattened. Also the relation between inundation time (IT) and inundation frequency (IF) shows strong distortion compared to the natural situation, with roughly doubled inundation times as compared with a natural outer dike marsh. This has important implications for nature and vegetation development. Further research and monitoring of test sites is necessary to conclude about the desirability of the implementation on larger scale of this concept. | Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme, Belgium |
„Logisch gedacht ist ökologisch bedacht" Ein Leitfaden für die Dachbegrünung | Overview of advantages, costs and legal framework concerning green roofs | Green roofs in Vienna, Austria |
Pollutant Removal Efficiencies and Flow Detention of Infiltration Trenches |
The study is carried out by flow weighted sampling at the inlet and outlet of one infiltration trench in Kungsbacka south of Gothenburg, located under the parking lot of a supermarket. The observations and sampling were conducted during April to June 2012 and the results from five storm events were analyzed. | Infiltration trenches in Kungsbacka, Sweden |
LIFE Projekt Auenverbund Obere Drau | Detailed project description of the former LIFE project on the river Drau. We needed basic information on the region e.g. rainfall, temperature, runoff | Revitalization of the upper Drau River in Austria |
RESTORE Database | Description of the interventions | River restoration of the lower Aurino in Italy |
Etude de l'impact socio-économique de la conservation et restauration de la nature dans les Hautes Fagnes | Le projet LIFE « Restauration des landes et des tourbières du Plateau des Hautes Fagnes » (LIFE 06 NAT/B/000091) a pour objectif la restauration d’au moins 1400 hectares de landes et de tourbières sur six sites Natura2000 (9723 ha)délimités sur le Plateau des Hautes Fagnes (Région wallonne, Belgique). Initialement prévu pour une durée de 5 ans (2007 à 2011), une demande de prolongation a été introduite et acceptée par l’Europe dans le courant de l’année 2011, conduisant le projet jusqu’au 31 décembre 2012. | Rehabilitation of heaths and mires on the Hautes-Fagnes Plateau, Belgium |
Case study: Biomura LIFE06NAT/SI/000066 | The Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange (RTE) scheme is a pilot scheme for the so-called controlled reduced tide (CRT) concept which Belgian authorities are planning to apply to (sections of) numerous flood storage areas in the near future to create tidal habitats (e.g. at Kruibeke, where the first inundation will likely occur in 2011). The CRT concept involves the use of two exchange mediums, one high inlet medium (e.g. a weir/spillway or sluice/culvert), and a lower outlet medium, which may be capped with a gravity controlled sluice gate. | Conservation of Mura banks, Slovenia |
Les arrangements locaux et la durabilité de nouvelles activités rurales : le cas de la renaturation de la Haute-Seymaz (local arrangements and sustainability of new rural activities : the Haute-Seymaz renaturation case study) | Study on renaturation in Switzerland based on the Seymaz river case and focuses on governance and local arrangements | Renaturation of the Seymaz river, Switzerland |
Reconstitution des écoulements de surface de deux affluents temporaires de la Clauge amont | Morphological restoration of temporary watercourses in the National Forest of Chaux | |
Case study: LIFE 06 NAT/SLO/000069 Intermittent Lake Cerknica | In 2006 Notranjska Regional Park acquired financial support from European programme LIFE †“ Nature for project LIFE 06. The purpose of this project was the establishment of appropriate conditions for protection and conservation of animal and plant species and their habitats on Lake Cerknica. Factors that threaten the biodiversity on Lake Cerknica are modified watercourses, abandoning of meadow mowing and deficient knowledge of nature and its conservation. | Conservation on Lake Cerknica, Slovenia |
Determination of important hydrological features for Oroklini Lake† Project LIFE10 NAT/CY/716 for BirdLife Cyprus as Beneficiary. | Hydrological features for Oroklini Lake are determined such as ground- and surface water quantity and quality, integrity of existing embankment and spillway capacity, a water operation study of the lake and an assessment of water management works. | Oroklini wetland restoration in Cyprus |
A MÓRAHALMI NAGYSZÉKSÓS-TÓ VíZKÉMIAI VIZSGíLATAINAK ELEMZÉSE | Overview of the water quality monitoring results of the lake (HURO/0901/207/2.2.2 project) | Water supply and rehabilitation in Nagyszeksos-to Southern Hungary |
El agua en navarra | La política del agua está viviendo un profundo proceso de renovación en Europa. Esta política se fundamenta en los principios de la Directiva Marco del Agua, que obliga a una nueva planificación hidrológica. Los ejes de esta planificación pretenden favorecer el buen estado de las aguas al tiempo que garantizan su disponibilidad y su uso sostenible. Navarra está adaptando sus políticas al nuevo modelo europeo de gestión y administración del agua. Avanzar hacia una gestión más sostenible del agua requiere el compromiso y la corresponsabilidad de los diferentes agentes institucionales y sociales. | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Main project website | Project websote of the LIFE+ project Green Borders | Ecological reconstruction of the Gerai Pond, Romania |
Restauration des landes et tourbières du Plateau des Hautes Fagnes, Final report, covering the project activities from 01.01.2007 to 31.12.2012 | The life Project "Rehabilitation of heaths and mires on the Hautes-Fagnes Plateau" (Life 06 NAT/B/000091) aims at rehabilitating 1400 ha of heaths and mire in 6 Natura 2000 areas. The report gives a general overview of the realisation of the project between january 2007 and december 2012. | Rehabilitation of heaths and mires on the Hautes-Fagnes Plateau, Belgium |
Proposicion de un sistema de caracterizacion de humedales degradados susceptibles de regeneracion hídrica mediante operaciones de recarga artificial de acuíferos | En este artículo se analiza la viabilidad para la regeneración hídrica de dos humedales cercanos al dispositivo de recarga artificial de la Cubeta de Santiuste: la laguna de la Eras y de la Iglesia, en Villagonzalo de Coca. Estas han sido elegidas por haber une cierta presión social para ello, por ser viable técnica y legalmente y por ser humedales que pueden representar un “punto de partida” para que esta práctica se convierta en habitual. Para ello ha sido diseñada una ficha de control y definición del estado preoperacional de los humedales, que a su vez sirve de indicador medioambiental para el seguimiento de su evolución. | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
Ecological Restoration Project "Ciobarciu-Costuleni" (Iasi-Romania): Monitoring of the Birds' Fauna Evolution | The study is the results of a birds' monitoring program started during the spring of the year 2007 and that is going on, in order to propose this new wetland for a protected status in the national Natura 2000 network. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Evaluating the demand for carbon sequestration in olive grove soils as a strategy toward mitigating climate change | Estimation of the economic value of carbon sequestration in olive grove soils derived from the implementation of different agricultural management systems. Carbon sequestration is considered jointly with other environmental co-benefits, such as enhanced erosion prevention and increased biodiversity. | Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) |
www.symasol.fr | The website presents all the projects the SYMASOL is responsible for, particularly the Contrat de rivière in which frame this precise measure take place. | Restoration of river Hermance, France |
Phone interview | Interview with Andrea Goltara, member of CIRF and part of the RESTORE project | River restoration of the lower Aurino in Italy |
Curve number values for olive orchards under different soil management | A physically based runoff model for olive orchards at a hillslope scale was used to generate rainfall†“runoff relationships for different scenarios of soil type (four), tree size (two), tree spacing (two), antecedent soil moisture (three), and soil management (11) for a 140-m-long and 5% steep hillslope. | Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) |
Etude diagnostic et élaboration d'un schéma de gestion globale de l'ill domaniale et ses lits mineur et majeur | Study analysing the main problems on the Ill river and making suggestions to solve these problems by a mix of NWRM and classical measures. Moreover, socio-economic and legal aspects are taken into account. | River basin management of the Ill, France |
Lower Prut Floodplain - Ecological restoration of the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park | Project description; Environmental issues; Beneficiaries; Administrative data | Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta Lake, Romania |
Aménagement des berges en génie végétal et mise en place de zones annexes sur la Scarpe canalisée à Arras | Revitalisation of the Scarpe river by changing the riverbanks from grey to green infrastructure and connection of hydraulic annexes to enhance water storage. | Revitalisation of riverbanks and connection of hydraulic annexes alongside the Scarpe river in France |
Some aspects concerning wetland restoration programs in the Prut River Basin | The paper presents some aspects concerning the technical solutions identified for the ecological restoration of some wetlands from the Lower Prut floodplain, located both on Romanian and Moldavian sides, implemented within some international environmental projects | Ecological Restoration of Pochina Lake, Romania |
Recarga artificial de acuíferos en cuencas fluviales. Aspectos cualitativos y medioambientales. Criterios técnicos derivados de la experiencia en la Cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia) | This publication is a summary of a thesis; full thesis also available (ISBN:84-669-2800-6) | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
Bocage et cultures : un mariage harmonieux sur le Kervulu | Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin | |
LIFE FOR THE BOURGAS LAKE - Ensuring Conservation of Priority Bird Species and Coastal Habitats at the Bourgas Natura 2000 Wetland Sites | The †œLife for the Bourgas lakes† project aims to secure the long-term conservation of the five bird species included in Annex I of the Birds Directive and the sustainable management of their wetland habitats around the city of Burgas. To achieve this, it plans to: | Wetland management on the Burgas lakes, Bulgaria |
La nature mise en valeur | The document is presenting the overal project (river restoration, extensiv agriculture development, etc.) and its impact on biodiversity. | Alzette river restoration in Dumonshaff, Luxembourg |
Medidas beneficiosas para las aves ligadas a medios agrícola - Sugerencias para su diseño y aplicación en NATURA 2000, en el marco de la programación de desarrollo rural 2007-2013 | Para avanzar en la línea marcada por las directrices europeas de desarrollo rural respecto a la conservación de la biodiversidad, lo más idóneo hubiera sido establecer desde la base, en el Plan Estratégico nacional, los sistemas prioritarios para la conservación ligados a medios agrícolas en España, orientando la elaboración de los programas regionales de desarrollo rural, y garantizando así la preservación de estos agrosistemas en el conjunto del territorio. En opinión de SEO/BirdLife, en lo que se refiere a biodiversidad de la avifauna, estos sistemas prioritarios serían las zonas pseudoesteparias de agricultura de secano, los pastizales, las dehesas y los arrozales costeros. | Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) |
Restoration of the Liberty Island and its side-arm on the Danube - Layman’s Report | This is the layman's report: a short illustrated summary of this restoration project financed by Life+ programme, coordinated by WWF with 5 partners to reopen a side arm of the Danube. | Conservation and restoration of alluvial habitats of community interest on the Liberty Island and side channel |
About the project | The hydrological conditions will be improved, overgrowth and invasive alien fish species will be removed in Gornji kal and Mura oxbow lakes, destruction of endangered habitats and the disturbance of endangered species will be prevented by building footpaths in Zelenci and in Pohorje bogs, guidelines for management of pilot areas will be prepared and integrated into sector plans, which will ensure a sustainable conservation of pilot areas. Field actions will be supported by awareness raising action both on national and local level. | WETMAN - Conservation and management of freshwater, Slovenia |
Ecological reconstruction works – Vlascuta Lake | Project description | Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta Lake, Romania |
Drainage area study of Hradec Kralove | The Drainage Area Study of city of Hradec Kralove is project, which going to be finished during year 2011. The project area covers not only the city of Hradec Kralove itself, but it includes the basin of small rivers and creeks flowing through the city as a part of urban drainage system. Main project task is focused to the assessment of the future condition of the storm water management in accordance with the sustainable development principles. One of the project goals is development and implementation of Best Management Practices for application of storm water management into the City‘s Development Plan as its integral part. | Drainage management in the city of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic |
Sutcliffe Park Managment Plan - Draft | Sets out the manner in which Sutcliffe Park should be managed. | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |