Title | Abstract | Case study(ies) |
Project Description | The overall goal of the project is to re-establish a favourable conservation status for eight targeted freshwater habitats and six wetland habitat SCIs. The project sites †“ Pohorje, Zelenci, Vrhe, Planik, Gornji kal and Mura-Petišovci contain different ypes of wetlands, all of which have suffered from a lack of appropriate management. | WETMAN - Conservation and management of freshwater, Slovenia |
Le jardin des eaux à Fourqueux, un projet de parc et une gestion de l’eau à l’échelle du centre-ville | Jardin des Eaux (water garden) in Fourqueux, a water management system for the city centre | |
Lower Prut Floodplain - Ecological restoration of the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park | Project description; Environmental issues; Beneficiaries; Administrative data | Ecological Restoration of Pochina Lake, Romania |
The Salt of Life | The whole website is interesting. | Restoration of Atanasovsko Lake, Bulgaria |
River Quaggy at Sutcliffe Park:Techniques: Re-meandering, backwater creation, de-culverting | Summary note on the NWRM appraoch used at Sutcliffe Park and the associated benefits observed. | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
A bivaly-rehabilitácios területek elemzése a Nagyszéksos-To és a Tanaszi-semlyék eltérÅ‘ biotopjain | Analysis of buffalo driven landscape rehabilitation projects | Water supply and rehabilitation in Nagyszeksos-to Southern Hungary |
Restoring ecosystem functions in heavily disturbed estuary | Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme, Belgium | |
Making space for Water in the Bodrog River Basin (SK-UA-HU) | The Bodrog River Basin makes part of the Tisza River Basin and is shared by Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine. Environmental problems and flood damages are increasing and putting pressures on the people - high time for a project of the UNDP / GEF to promote multiple benefits of wetlands and floodplains. | Floodgate reconstruction, Slovakia |
Conjunctive use of the Germasogeia Riverbed Aquifer and Germasogeia Dam for water supply | WATER MANAGEMENT IN MEDITERANNEAN RIVER BASINS | Germasogeia riverbed artificial groundwater recharge in Cyprus |
Telephone -Interview with PhD Josef Rosner | Telephone interview given by PhD Josef Rosner on Monday 28/04/2014 | No Tillage Field Trials in lower Austria |
Bruno Boz was actively involved in the design and implementation of these measures, as well as the other applications implemented by the Consorzio | Phone Interview | Restructuring the effluent web in Italy |
Guide to Sur - Restoration of Water Regime in National Nature Reserve Sur | Guide to Sur | Reconstruction within the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, Slovakia |
Economic aspects of mulch and direct seeding- reduction of soil treatment, which changes in the operational result have to be expected? | comparison of different soil treating systems (conventional tillage, mulchseeding and direct seeding). By reducing tillage savings are possible. This is shown for different crops. | No Tillage Field Trials in lower Austria |
Small water reservoirs †“ their function and construction | Small water reservoirs play important role in rural areas. They used to be very popular, but most of them have been devastated in the last century. It is worth to restore them and to construct new ones. Very small reservoirs (ponds) can be constructed in economical and cost efficient way by individual farmers. In regard to damming below 1.0 m and to reservoirs situated outside protected areas, the permission for construction and the environmental impact assessment is not required. However, one should always keep in mind that even the smallest construction is the work of engineering and should be performed in accordance with the current standards. The increase of available water resources and improvement of water quality demand various measures including those aimed at reducing and limiting water runoff and pollutants transport from the river basins. One of the methods to improve the structure of water balance and the amount of water in rivers is the construction of a large number of small reservoirs, wetland reconstruction etc. Such reservoirs may be divided to: recreational, floristic and faunistic conservation sites, swimming pools, water quality protection (constructed wetlands) and infiltration reservoirs. Reservoirs can have many functions of the economic and natural character. If they are designed and constructed properly they can be a valuable element of the natural landscape in rural areas. Basic data for designing of small reservoirs serving mainly recreational (decorative) purposes and those used for water treatment and ground water recharge are given in the paper. |
Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
Life vein-Upper Drau River ; Carinthia†™s largest nature restoration campaign (2006-2011) | The project included the widening of 3 section of the river and the reconstruction of an open check dam. | Revitalization of the upper Drau River in Austria |
LIFE+ Project Mink Territory | The LIFE + MINK TERRITORY project is directed at restoring the river habitats along the lower reaches of the Aragón and Arga rivers in Navarre and at increasing the mink population there. | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Wetlands Restoration - Pollution Reduction GEF Project | The development objective of the Wetlands Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project for Bulgaria is that local communities and local authorities in the Persian Nature Park and Kalimok/Brushlen Protected Site areas adopt sustainable natural respurces management practices. There are two amin project components. First, in the initial phase of this component, marshland will be recovered and restored in two already identified sites to demonstrate the use of wetlands as nutrient sinks. Additional sites are expected to be identified. | Wetland restoration in Persina, Bulgaria |
a river reborn: Restoring the Quaggy River and tackling flooding | Summary of restoration work as part of flood alleviation scheme | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
RESTOREWETLANDS - Conservation, restoration and durable management in Small Island of Braila, Romania | The aim of the project was to guarantee the long-term conservation of priority habitats and species of European importance in the entire area of the SIB Natural Park. This aim would be achieved through the implementation of conservation plans developed in close cooperation with all the interested stakeholders that were engaged during the previous LIFE project. A total area of about 2 949 ha of important habitats would be restored in different areas of the park. | Conservation, restoration and durable management in Small Island of Braila, Romania |
Case study:Restore riparian floodplain habitats maintained in reserve "Dolna topchia" and run off on his sleeve "Malka Tundzha" | Design and construction of hydraulic estructures on river Tundzha (a weir and one channel of 900 m) for recovery of riparian wetland biotopes maintained in reserve "Dolna topchia" and run off on his sleeve "MalkaTundzha". The main objective of the project is to restore the conditions necessary for the maintenance of riparian biotopes. | River floodplain restoration on the Tundzha, Bulgaria |
Green potential of a constructed wetland with reed bed filters on a 172 ha urban project near Reims (France). Project evolution analysis | A 172 ha town planning project has been developed near Reims (France) for the last five years. For one of the catchments of this area (72ha) a 15 000 m3 detention pond is being built, in a difficult hydrogeological context since ground water level may rise up to the natural ground. The characteristics of this detention pond have drastically changed along the design process: the first hypothesis were based upon a deep concrete tank, but a constructed wetland has finally been chosen. This paper deals with the constructed wetland characteristics itself on the ecological point of view (deepness, shape...). It also points the design process that allowed such an evolution, thanks to both the designer proposals and the public authority requirements | Constructed wetland with reed bed filters near Reims, France |
Das Ackerrandstreifenprogramm | Brochure presenting shortly the programme | Field margins in Heilbronn, Germany |
Constructed Wetland in Bulgaria - Constructed Wetland Implementation for On-site Treatment of Domestic Wastewater of a Children´s Home combined with Capacity Building for Professionals | The goal of the project is to raise awareness and to build capacity among professionals as well as citizens about extensive wastewater treatment processes which are cost-effective and sustainable. | Constructed wetland in Vidrare, Bulgaria |
Salmi rannaniidu taastamine, tí¶í¶ nr 13/1136 | Construction project of the restoration works | Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia |
Natural water retention for combined outcomes - the Arga-Aragon case study (Spain) | Presentation from Fernando Magdaleno | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
Guía técnica para la caracterizacion de las actuaciones a considerar en planes hidrologicos y estudios de viabilidad | Book - https://www.fomento.gob.es/MFOM.CP.Web/detallepublicacion.aspx?idpub=CX1217 | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Ecological Improvement Project in the Órbigo River (Stretch I) | ECRR (European Centre for River Restoration) Newsletter. Includes information about the Órbigo River Restoration Project. | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Restoration of Wetland Sur: Conflict between urban planning and water planning | Presentation of the conflict case | Reconstruction within the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, Slovakia |
Changes in the functioning of wetlands along environmental gradients | One of the prevalent gradients in wetlands is the continuum of depth and frequency of flooding. While much emphasis has been placed on the importance of hydrology as a driving force for wetlands, few other perspectives have emerged to demonstrate unifying patterns and principles. In contrast to the wetness continuum, the functioning of wetlands can be separated into two broad categories: (1) landscape-based transitions that occur within a wetland or group of similar wetland types and (2) resource-based transitions that allow comparisons of the flow of water and processing of nutrients among very different wetland types. Landscape-based continua include the transition from upstream to downstream in riverine wetlands and between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems within a wetland. | Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain |
dachgrün | Study about economic effectiveness of green roofs for different types of buildings | Green roofs in Vienna, Austria |
Soomaa Rahvuspargis Kuresoo raba kaguosas asuva rikutud raba taastamine | Restoration of a damaged area in Kuresoo bog south-east part. Restoration of habitat types 7110* and 90D0*. Kuresoo bog is part of Soormaa national park. | Restoring the Kuresoo bog, Estonia |
Integrated Management Plan of The Natural Park Comana | Parcul Natural Comana infiintat prin Hotararea de Guvern nr. 2151 din decembrie 2004 este situat in zona de sud a Romaniei, la distanta aproximativ egala intre Bucuresti si Giurgiu. Decizia de constituire a parcului a fost adoptata in baza documentatiei tehnice si stiintifice elaborate inca din anul 1954 de catre Academia Romana in vederea delimitarii si protejarii a doua arii de importanta floristica deosebita, respectiv Rezervatia Stiintifica de ghimpe (Ruscus aculeatus) si Rezervatia Stiintifica de bujor (Paeonia peregrina). Acestor doua rezervatii li s-a adaugat incepand din anul 2004 Balta Comana, ca rezervatie naturala si zona de protectie avifaunistica. | Restoration on Comana wetlands, Romania |
Programa de recalificacion del río Odelouca (cuenca del Arade, Portugal) | El proyecto UE Interreg IVB Sudoe RICOVER es un es un ejemplo pionero en el desarrollo de modelos que minimicen el impacto ambiental mediante la promoción de un uso más eficiente de los recursos. El objetivo principal de este proyecto se basa en el desarrollo de estrategias conjuntas para la protección y restauración de los ríos, que desarrollan un papel tan importante en los ecosistemas. | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
How to facilitate the transfer of wtaer management knowledge Lessons from Dutch-Romanian project experiences for project implementers, advisors and financers |
The booklet presents some of the Dutch experiences with transferring knowledge in international collaborative water projects. One of teh case studie is the Ciobarciu wetland project and includes data from the evaluation from 2011. |
Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2013 (Activity report 2013) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
Sigmaplan - Vallei van de Grote Nete | In de Vallei van de Grote Nete tussen Nijlen en Geel, krijgt de kronkelende rivier opnieuw meer ruimte, via een combinatie van de aanleg van een winterbedding en gecontroleerde waterbuffergebieden. Dat zijn GOG's zonder ringdijk. De winst is dubbel: de kans op overstromingen is kleiner en geleidelijk kan er weer natte natuur groeien, in de vorm van waardevol wetland. |
Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
Assessing the environmental impact of artificial recharge by highly polished treated effluent on an unconfined aquifer system | Assess the impact of artificial recharge on the qualitative and quantitative status of groundwater by assessing the changes in water level and water quality in wells located in the immediate area of the artificial recharge zone. | Aquifer recharge in Malta |
Riparian Habitats in BG - Conservation and Restoration of 11 Natura 2000 Riparian and Wetland Habitats in 10 Bulgarian Forests | Project report | Restoration of riparian forests in Bulgaria |
Vers un schéma de gestion globale de l'Ill domaniale entre Colmar et Strasbourg, Synd'Ill Huttenheim | Presentation of the main problems and challenges of the Ill River. By ecosystem services costs for measures are justified. | River basin management of the Ill, France |
Restoration of Kuresoo | Aims of the project were - to find out the current status, develop restoration plan, compile construction project and prepare follow-up project. | Restoring the Kuresoo bog, Estonia |
Ecological Restoration of Comana Wetlands - Giurgiu County, Cod SMIS - CSNR 6725 | Project Finances, Value, Duration, Localisation, Objective, Activities | Restoration on Comana wetlands, Romania |
EU policies for olive farming. Unsustainable on all counts | Olive farming could be a model for sustainable land-use in the Mediterranean region, producing highly-valued foodstuffs and environmental benefits, while helping to maintain populations in marginal areas. | Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) |
Piano di Gestione Basso Aurino †“ Relazione sintetica degli interventi realizzati in localití Rienzfield, Gatzaue e Molini di Tures (2002-2011) | River restoration measures were implemented along the Aurino stream as part of the Aurino management plan. Interventions were grouped in Work Packages and were implemented in different moments within the years 2003-2011. The objectives were flood protection and, secondarily, the improvement of the natural environment. Different interventions were implemented to widen the river bed, such as for example: (i) forests were cleared in the relevant areas, to add space to the river bed; (ii) (artificial) river banks were lowered and enlarged; (iii) re-activation or creation of lateral river branches; (iv) measures to raise the river bed†™s level. | River restoration of the lower Aurino in Italy |
Restoring Europe's Rivers - Case Study Ciobarciu Wetland Project | Case study pesentation with additional deatails | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Proyecto para la mejora del estado ecológico del río Órbigo. Tramo I (León). Documento 1_ Memoria (Clave 02.434-229/2111) (Órbigo River ecologic status improvement. Stretch I (León). Document 1 (Technical Report) | Project Report | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Final Report - LIFE06 NAT/SK/000114, Conservation of Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs in Slovakia | This is the Final Report on the project LIFE 06/NAT/SK/000114 Conservation of Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs in Slovakia. The Report covers the period from 15/11/2005 to 14/05/2011. It ncludes description of the activities undertaken within the project span and evaluation of the project results and impact. | Wetland restoration in the Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs, Slovakia |
Biodiversity Survey of the Integrated Constructed Wetland at Tolka Valley Park, Finglas, Co. Dublin | Ecological survey | River Tolka constructed wetland and enhancements, Ireland |
Transferring Water Management Knwoledge How actors, interaction and context influence the effectiveness of Dutch-funded project in Romania |
Thesis as a result of the collaboratiion of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Water Engineering and Ma nagement (www.utwente.nl/ctw/wem/) and the School of Management and Governance, CSTM: Twente Centre for Studies in Technology andSustainable Development (www.utwente.nl/mb/cstm/). Reflection and discussion part includes also the Ciobarciu case study |
Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
Yearbook of the Middle Tisza District Water Directorate | Multi-purpose water management development along the Körös-ér, Hungary | |
REVITALIZATION OF THE CLIMATE IN DRIED - OUT COMMUNITIES IN SLOVAKIA VIA HYDRO - CLIMATE RECOVERY | Recovery of the climate and landscape via integrated rainwater retention in the damaged parts of the country utilizing water retention measures (small dams, retention ponds, rainwater gardens, re-cultivated logging roads) | Recovery of dried out communities in Slovakia |