Title | Abstract | Case study(ies) |
Rehabilitation works for the dykes ON Mata Lake | Project description | Ecological Restoration of Mata Radeanu, Romania |
Erfolgreiche Feuchtgrünlandentwicklung durch Naturschutzmaßnahmen. Langfristige Veränderung von Flora, Vegetation und Avifauna am Beispiel des Ochsenmoores in der Dümmerniederung. | NLWKN website | Restoration of Wetlands in the Western Lowland Area of the Dümmer Lake, Germany |
Contrat de rivières transfrontalier du sud-ouest lémanique 2006-2012, Etude, bilan, évaluation et prospective, phase 1: état des lieux initial et final | The report presents the results of the Contrat de rivière project, which includes Heramnce restoration project. It details initial state and final state regarding indicators linked to water quality, hydromorphological status etc | Restoration of river Hermance, France |
Assessment of instream structures for habitat improvement for two critically endangered fish species | River ecosystems have witnessed a long history of human pressure, particularly the disruption of freshwater fish populations. The awareness of this situation has led to many habitat improvement projects, with a variable degree of success. | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
kowalewski.htm | An increase of water retention in the programmes of small retention in the country to the year 2015 is estimated at 1141 million m3. It means annual mean increase of retention capacity by c. 60 million m3. Accomplishment of relevant actions in the years 1997†“2007 allowed collecting 57 million m3 in lakes, c. 56 million m3 in artificial reservoirs, 18.5 million m3 in fishponds, c. 10.5 million m3 with the channel retention and over 2 million m3 in other investments. It makes total increase of water retention by 142 million m3 which is 12.4% of target retention and the mean annual increment of c. 13 million m3. The paper presents volumes of retained water, sources and structure of financing, mean unit costs of retention increments and the increase of retention capacity in particular voivodships (acc. to new administration division) in the years 1998†“2007. |
Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland |
Case study:Restoration of Rusenski Lom River near Ivanovo | Application of the principle †œmore space for the river †“ more safety for people† | Floodplain restoration in the Russenski Lom Nature Park, Bulgaria |
Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of an artificial recharge area based in hydrochemical investigation. Los Arenales site, Duero basin, Spain. | Project site | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
Constructed Wetlands Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Rural and Peri-Urban Communities in Bulgaria | Constructed wetland (tank for pre-treatment and planted soilfileter for the biological step) for the treatment of domestic wastewater as decentralised solution | Constructed wetland in Vidrare, Bulgaria |
Case study:Restoration and conservation of riparian forests | The restoration of habitats in protected area "Reka Maritsa | Riparian forests along the Maritsa river, Bulgaria |
SMIVAL Rapport d'activité 2011 (Activity report 2011) | Raison première de la création du SMIVAL, la prévention des inondations constitue une large majorité des activités du syndicat. Implanté localement, le SMIVAL constitue une interface entre les habitants, les élus et les administrations de l’État et des collectivités. Son rôle porte ainsi sur la mise en exergue des besoins du bassin, sur la déclinaison locale des politiques nationales et régionales, sur la mise en œuvre d’aménagements et sur la sensibilisation des populations et des élus locaux. | Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France |
Proyecto para la mejora del estado ecológico del río Órbigo. Tramo I (León). Anejo 4 (Estudio hidrológico e hidraíºlico). | Project Report | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Riparian and lowland mixed woodlands and longozes | The mixed lowland and riparian forests and longoses are a part of the intrazonal vegetation distributed in the valleys of a number of Bulgarian rivers. Typical is the periodical flooding and in some cases high air humidity. | Riparian forests along the Maritsa river, Bulgaria |
Romanian Danube Delta Biodiversity Project Local Benefits | The project intended to protect the Romanian Danube Delta ecosystem, contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the Delta, strengthening the capacity of the Danube Delta Biodiversity Reserve Authority (DDBRA) and the Danube Delta National Institute (DDNI). | Fortuna Restoration Project in the Danube Delta, Romania |
Conservation of Senne and Medzibrodozie SPAs in Slovakia LIFE06 NAT/SK/000114 | The centre of the Special Protected Area which is 2703 ha, is a fish pond system. It involves 26 production ponds and one non-commercial as a part of the National Nature Reserve (NNR), 213,31 ha with buffer zone of 211,28 ha. The total fish pond area is about 700 ha. Within the NNR three bird islands are important breeding sites of Night Herons, Little Egrets and Cormorants. In reedbeds other birds like grebes, coot, rails, ducks, swans, herons, harriers ect. are found. In July 1990 the area was involved in Ramsar sites with an international importance. | Wetland restoration in the Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs, Slovakia |
L’eau en Loire Bretagne, les trophées de l’eau en Loire Bretagne 2009 | Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin | |
Reviving Water Wells and Ponds in Cross-Border Area | The project envisages the restoration and arrangement of 32 water wells and ponds as monuments of cultural heritage | Restoration of water wells in the Miren-Kostanjevica Municipality, Slovenia |
La recarga artificial de acuíferos. Marco legal que regula sus aplicaciones. | Se ha realizado un análisis de la legislación vigente con objecto de evaluar en qué grado es contemplada la recarga artificial de acuíferos. Esta se ha llevado a cabo en las principales disposiciones legales, tanto en el ámbito comunitario como en el nacional, relativas a aspectos hidrogeológicos y medioambientales. | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
Restauration hydromorphologique des bassins de l’Eau Morte et du ruisseau de Montmin à l’amont des secteurs vulnérables de Sollier-La Reisse-Verthier : la recherche de solutions de gestion des risques d’inondations co-construites avec les habitants. | Functional restoration of the valley of Saint Ruph-Glière-Eau Morte | |
"After us, the desert and the deluge" | In a short period of 18 months the villages and towns involved in the Programme carried out about 80 thausand different water retention elments in degraded landscape. | Landscape revitalisation program in Slovakia |
LiveDrava - layman's report | This is the layman's report: a short illustrated summary of this restoration project Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia, financed by Life+ programme, coordinated by DOPPS Birdlife Slovenia |
LiveDrava - Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia |
Restauration d’une tourbière à Gentioux | Restoration of the Gentioux peat bog by clearing and aerial skidding | |
Danube birds conservation - Conservation of Endangered Bird Species Populations in Natural Habitats of the Danube Inland Delta | The general objective is to improve the conservation status of the floodplain bird species that are protected in the Natura 2000 sites SPA Dunajské luhy (Slovakia) and SPA Szigetkoz (Hungary). The specific objectives of the project are to: -Restore selected wetlands, dried-up river branches and oxbows; -Restore river branch connectivity, water regime and flowing water conditions; -Lease or purchase land following the introduction of appropriate habitat management; -Eliminate fish migration barriers at two strategic points and restore birds†™ food base; -Restore abandoned meadows as feeding and nesting bird habitats; -Restore birds†™ refuges and nesting areas by planting native tree species; -Implement measures preventing unintentional and/or illegal disturbance of the target bird species populations; -Acquire relevant scientific data on target species and their habitats; -Raise awareness among key stakeholders and the public; -Implement additional measures that will make the habitats of target species more attractive for them (e.g. creation of appropriate breeding possibilities). |
Wetland restoration and remeandering in SPA Dunajské luhy (Slovakia) and SPA Szigetkoz (Hungary) |
Palienes režima atjaunošana Slampes upes lejtece | Collection of articles about habitat management problematic in Latvia | Floodplain restoration of the river Slampe, Latvia |
Le projet Léguer Bocage | Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin | |
Proyecto para la mejora del estado ecológico del río Órbigo. Tramo I (León). Instrucción para la elaboración y tramitación de los informes de viabilidad previstos en el artículo 46.5 de la Ley de Aguas). [Clave: 02.434-229/2111] | Feasibility Report on actions to be implemented within the framework of the National Strategy on River Restoration | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
Evaluation report Ciobarciu Wetland | Report presenting the main lessons of the project, especially regarding stakeholder participation. It does so by first giving an introduction to the project and explaining the method of the evaluation (chapter 1). It then goes through the results of the project (chapter 2), following the project†™s objectives as described in the project document and quoted in the introduction (chapter 1) of this report. | Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania |
From airport to sustainable community sustainable Fornebu | The refurbishment of the 340-hectare Fornebu site – Oslo’s airport until 1998 – is one of Norway’s largest and most ambitious development projects, including new housing, businesses, recreation and conservation projects. One of two landowners at Fornebu, the Norwegian state, and its organ for construction and land development, Statsbygg (Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property), have been heavily involved in work on Fornebu since 1995. | Sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure in Fornebu, Norway |
LIVEDRAVA - Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia | The most important actions are: transformation of 61 ha of former wastewater basins into a semi-natural wetland as a stopover site for migrating birds (Ormoz Basins); establishment of a grazing system; removal of illegally built fishing and hunting platforms; creation of a new artificial breeding island; opening up and restoration of three side arms of the Drava River (total length of 1.5 km) | Creation of semi-natural wetlands near the Drava river, Slovenia |
Notranjski regijski park, Layman's Report | Layman's Report (project report intended for wider public) presents background, goals and purpose of the project, planned solutions, actions and result. At the end it describes the meaning and the message of the project. | Conservation on Lake Cerknica, Slovenia |
Lower Prut Floodplain - Ecological restoration of the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park | Project description; Environmental issues; Beneficiaries; Administrative data | Ecological Restoration of Mata Radeanu, Romania |
Review of the Exmoor Mires Restoration Project Final Report |
The Exmoor Mire Restoration Project (EMRP) 2006-2010 aimed to restore the natural hydrology of degraded blanket bogs on Exmoor by blocking up the network of old drainage ditches. This project will shortly finish and funding has been secured from South West Water for a new and larger †˜Mires on the Moors†™ project which could potentially rewet up to 2,500 hectares of peatland on Exmoor. The EMRP Steering Group commissioned the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) to undertake an external and independent review of peatland restoration work on Exmoor to help guide future activity. The two main aims of the review were: i) to conduct a review of peatland restoration on Exmoor to date; and ii) to give guidance to the Steering Group on how best to proceed with peatland restoration, while furthering National Park purposes, and having regard to the economic and social well being of the local community. |
Exmoor Mires peatland restoration, UK |
Sutcliffe Park Briefing pack - External | Draft note for external distribution outlining the sitcliffe Park site, key messages | Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK |
Good practices handbook | The INTERREG IVC project WATER CoRe (Water scarcity and droughts; coordinated actions in European regions) provides an exchange platform on water scarcity and drought issues. Due to climate change effects, water scarcity is foreseen to affect the European Union citizens on ecological, economic and social issues, at local and regional level. New and coordinated strategies and policies are required, to mitigate the climate change impact on our economy and our life. Thus, the main objective of the project is the exchange of experiences and the transfer of good practices between the regions partners in the project and the improvement of topic related management standards all around Europe. | Multi-purpose water management development along the Körös-ér, Hungary |
2002-2012, una década de recarga gestionada. Acuífero de la Cubeta de Santiuste (Castilla y Leon) | The book gathers the experience of 10 years of the implementation of managed aquifer recharge in a local aquifer (Cubeta de Santiuste) in Spain. | Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) |
Belford catchment proactive flood soutions: storing and attenuating runoff on farms | This paper represents the hydrological charateristics of the catchment, the design of pilot ponds and initial results | Rural runoff attenuation in the Belford catchment, UK |
Project RMP5455: Slowing the Flow at Pickering, Final Report to Defra, Forest Research | The Project 'Slowing the Flow at Pickering' implements multiple natural flood risk measures including low level bunds, large woody debris dams, planting riparian and floodplain woodland, planting farm woodland, blocking moorland drains and establishing no-burn buffer zones, blocking forest drains and implementing farm-scale measures. The aim of the project is to show how land management measures can help to reduce flood risk from a river in the town and is implemented in close cooperation with local stakeholders. The project involved both the Pickering Beck and adjacent River Seven catchments, the description of measures described below relate to the former. | Slowing the Flow at Pickering, UK |
Case Study: Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme | The Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange (RTE) scheme is a pilot scheme for the so-called controlled reduced tide (CRT) concept which Belgian authorities are planning to apply to (sections of) numerous flood storage areas in the near future to create tidal habitats (e.g. at Kruibeke, where the first inundation will likely occur in 2011). The CRT concept involves the use of two exchange mediums, one high inlet medium (e.g. a weir/spillway or sluice/culvert), and a lower outlet medium, which may be capped with a gravity controlled sluice gate. | Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme, Belgium |
Effect of meander restoration on macroinvertebratebiodiversity: the case of the Borová stream(Blanskí½ Les, Czech Republic) | This study brings a view on the effects of restoration of a formerly channelized small submontane stream situated in the Blanský Les Protected Landscape Area (South Bohemia, Czech Republic) on macroinvertebrate assemblages as an indicator group. The restoration project was carried out during two stages (1998 and 2000). It consisted of excavating a new channel to restore the historic meandering pattern. The evaluation of this project is primarily based on the comparison of composition between pre-restoration (1995) and post-restoration (2000–2003) macroinvertebrate samples focusing on species richness, species composition, and representation of rare Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera species. The analyses showed a substantial increase in species richness that was especially prominent shortly after the restoration intervention. This increase was not only due to the creation of lentic habitats, but was even observed at every single sampling site of the stream. The DCA ordination of species composition of the pre- and post-restoration sites indicated a considerable increase in the between-site diversity. This was apparently caused mainly by the establishing of lentic habitats, whereas diversity of lotic sites showed only a slight increase, which was most prominent during the last year of the sampling period. The shift in the species composition was profound for lotic sites as well. Although the restoration intervention considerably increased species richness and markedly changed species composition, there was no detectable increase of rare or vulnerable Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera species. | Revitalisation of the Borova stream, Czech Republic |
Naturschutzgroßprojekt Lenzener Elbtalaue | Website of the project. | Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany |
Minimum Tillage Field Trials in Lower Austria | Project on several testing sides: application of directseeding, mulchseeding and conventional tillage. | No Tillage Field Trials in lower Austria |
DOPPS - Restoring and conserving habitats and birds in Skocjanski Zatok N.R. | Restoration was done by improving the lagoon's water circulation, through the removal of sediments, the creation of a new marsh, flooding an area previously used for agriculture and the installation of equipment to control and regulate the inflow and outflow of water. | DOPPS - Restoring and conserving habitats and birds in Skocjanski Zatok Nature Reserve, Slovenia |
Bocage | Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin | |
NEW: final reports for Slowing the Flow at Pickering project | This webpage links to the phase 1 and phase 2 reports of the project. | Slowing the Flow at Pickering, UK |
River Órbigo Restoration Project | Presentation on the project (IRF EUROPEAN RIVERPRIZE FINALIST. September 2013, Vienna, Austria) | Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain |
UK Soil Observatory | Soil maps viewer | Exmoor Mires peatland restoration, UK |
A predictive modelling tool for assessing climate, land use and hydrological change on reservoir physicochemical and biological properties. | The measures implemented focus on the use of bio-engineering or natural techniques for rehabilitation of riparian buffer zones and river banks | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
Different scales of analysis in classifying streams: from a multimetric towards an integrated system approach | Two different approaches to define the ecological status of several catchments (NW Portugal) are compared. At a coarser scale, all the stream network was classed using GIS according to several variables related to: a) biotic indicators, such as native and exotic fish species, benthic biotic index and characteristics of the riparian corridor); b) chemical indicators of contamination, where an estimation of industrial and urban organic loads and water quality was included. This methodology is preceded by a typological classification so that a determination of the ecological status can be made separately of each of the physical units integrated in the watercourse. | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
Recalificacion de galerías de ribera en el área de la presa del Odelouca: de la concesion a la intervencion | El Espacio del Sudoeste Europeo se enfrenta a diversos problemas en la gestión de los recursos hídricos, tanto en lo que se refiere a su calidad y al déficit entre la oferta y la demanda en las cuencas hidrográficas, como a los problemas relacionados con la prevención de riesgos y alteraciones climáticas. El proyecto RICOVER tiene por objetivo definir e implementar, a través de intervenciones piloto, estrategias y metodologías conjuntas de protección y conservación de los ríos del SUDOE. Para ello, se tendrán en cuenta, entre otros elementos, las características naturales y la biodiversidad, la preservación de hábitats prioritarios y del Patrimonio de la Red Natura 2000, la importancia de los ríos como corredores ecológicos y su contribución para el ciclo natural del agua y la necesidad de la riqueza fluvial y su valor económico. | Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal |
Project Nieuwsbrief - Vallei van de Grote Nete | Eén van de hoekstenen van het hedendaagse waterbeleid is het principe ‘vasthouden-bergen-afvoeren’ zoals ook blijkt uit het bekkenbeheerplan. Door water maximaal vast te houden aan de bron of ter plaatse te laten infiltreren, wordt wateroverlast niet langer afgewenteld op stroomafwaarts gelegen gebieden. Diezelfdestrategie moet ook voor een oplossing zorgen in de strijd tegen verdroging die in het licht van een mogelijke klimaatsverandering wel eens belangrijk zou kunnen worden. | Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium |
SUR FEN NATURE RESERVE - Restoration of Water Regime in Sur Fen Nature Reserve | Reconstruction of dams and sluicegates, blocking of drainage ditches and creation of a hydrological network to allow water coming from the Little Carpathians to flow through the reserve. | Reconstruction within the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, Slovakia |